Hidden In Your Heart
I want to look into your heart
Just to see what you’ve hidden from me there
Question is will you trust me with your heart?
Will you always trust me enough throughout forever!
My Lady with those pretty eyes
Sweet smile on your face
Twinkle in your eyes
The thought of your arms around my neck!
Hold me down out of space,
Your smile makes my heart flutter in space.
This glow from your halo,
Shows what‘s hidden in your heart.
Yes I trust you with my heart!
Oh that feeling we share with the arms around my neck.
OH Yes, Oh – Oh Yes what destiny is!
Felt it when ours eyes meet clean down to the heart
When its show up run up the flags from the heart!
Waving in the sky for everyone to see,
Telling our story from our sleeve, Life destiny
How it feels with our arms around each other neck!