
Maya Kavita
Maya Kavita (J. I. Kendall aka Joan Weston) worked for many years in the IT industry. She began writing with her books, The Greater-Than-Riches mystery series. Based in Toronto, Maya says, “I spent many years in an HR job, helping our company downsize. My work was harder than George Clooney’s in the movie Up in The Air because I had to fire a lot of people that I had hired and trained, whose families I had met. I even had to choose who would be fired. I had to help them carry their personal belongings to the door, and I searched their boxes while they watched because I was instructed to make sure they hadn’t stolen anything from us. I write from my experiences.”
Writers: Stick to Your Knitting
I've been a knitter almost all my life. I made my first sweater when I was…
How Many Books Are You Writing?
How Many Books Are You Writing?
I found a literary agent who found me a mainstream publisher. It sounds like a…
I’m Not A Good Writer
I'm Not A Good Writer
Occasionally, someone will read one of my books and exclaim, "Wow, who knew you were such…
Alliteration is My Friend
Alliteration is My Friend
I keep my rhythm strict in time,
I make sure that my endings rhyme.
I write about…
The Bee Sings (L’Abeille)
The Bee Sings
(translation from the French poem 'L'abeille') Hey, it's the bee that's singing.
It’s the…
The Leaving
The Leaving
You made a promise to be here.
But even that is over.You were the parent that birthed me into…
He pushes a button, she cries.
She pushes back; he walks away.
Sunrise to sunset, dark clouds…
Lucy! You Got Some ‘Splainin To Do!
Lucy! You Got Some 'Splainin To Do!
Lucy and Ethel on the assembly line at the chocolate candy factory - who could…
Shakespeare Said It Best
Shakespeare Said It Best
Friends, writers, authors - We're going to have to be techno-geeks if we want anyone…
The Word Made Flesh
Finally, after years of finding them creepy, I understand why some people get tattoos
Self-Publishing Giveaways: 6 Tips
Self-Publishing Giveaways
If you're an unpublished or self-published writer, I challenge you to click on this…
Let the Wookiee Win
Let the Wookiee Win
The LA Times once published a list of the top 10 sidekicks of all time. For the record, in The…
Fire Away
There's nothing easy about firing someone. I know. I had to do it a lot
CSI Cabot Cove
CSI Cabot Cove
Some nights after supper, I tune into old episodes of 'Murder, She Wrote' to see J.B. Fletcher do…
Ice and Fire
Even under the best of conditions, complaining about the weather is a national past-time in Canada
Rest in Peace, Dear Elijah
We regret to announce that three-year-old Elijah has died
Brian Williams, Abraham Lincoln, and Ratings
The evening news is dominated by talking heads who determine what constitutes news for their audience
Who Tells You What To Read?
Who Tells You What To Read?
There's been a lot of action in the blogosphere lately about Oprah's choice of…
Michelangelo, and The Art of Writing
Michelangelo didn't want to paint the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel. He considered himself a sculptor. He didn't…
Lather, Rinse, Repeat: The Process of Writing
It takes me 6 drafts to write one of my books. I thought I'd summarize the process for you...share some of my…
A Lesson Learned at Grandmother’s House
A Lesson Learned
The word "civility" has been bandied about a lot lately - by media people or politicians who…
The Anniversary Of The Day Hillary Cried
The Day Hillary Cried
One of the reasons Hilary Clinton lost the nomination to be her party's candidate for…
Writers Need an Outfit
Writers Need an Outfit
I think we writers need an outfit, you know, like a uniform. So that when people look at…
Owed To Joy
Owed To Joy
There can be a pretty low downside to being an independent author: You feel rejected, because you…
Reality Cheque
Reality Cheque
When I first thought of writing novels, I imagined myself like John Grisham, Stephen King, Patricia…
Las Meninas
Las Meninas
Las Meninas is one of my favorite paintings. It was painted in 1656 by Diego Rodríguez de Silva y…
Mission Possible
Mission Possible
"Because you write, you show the rest of us that there is life after work - that you can retire…
Take It – It’s Mine
Take It - It's Mine
Remember plagiarism? Remember how bad it was to copy some else's work without duly…
This Week, I Held My Breath…
I Held My Breath
This week, I Held My Breath For 22 Hours, 47 Minutes, And 15 SecondsBetween October 14 and…
The Pillars Of The Earth Are At The Mall
Pillars Of The Earth
The other day, I was in a ladies' clothing store and met a friendly woman who quickly engaged…
If You Write A Book In The Forest
Write A Book In The Forest
If you write a book in the forest, and no one is there to read it, does it tell a…
The End Of Grammar As We Know It
The End Of Grammar
"Is is" is making a comeback of sorts, and Warren Clements of the Globe and Mail is careful to…