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Beauty and Health
Articles on Beauty and Health – Subcategory of Lifestyle. Read from specialists in various disciplines.
Breast Lift Aftermath
Breast Lift Aftermath
Many women choose to get a breast lift as they get older to reduce the sagging that…
Research on Mental Illness
Research on Mental Illness
A new statement was released by Author Sarah Glynn. She quotes, “Individuals who work…
Keeping Your Brain Active
Keeping Your Brain Active
HOW DO WE KEEP OUR MINDS ACTIVE AND ALERT?There are so many ways we can keep our…
Pregnancy and Lack of Sleep
Pregnancy and Lack of Sleep
I've never felt more unprepared for anything in my entire life.I've…
The Impact of Stress and Anxiety on Our Autoimmune System
Stress and Anxiety Causing Our Autoimmune System to Fail
Exploring and understanding Hormonal Imbalance and Its…
Energy Management 101
Energy Management
When you have a family, it’s easy to feel run down and worn out. The kids will run you ragged,…
How to Heal Chronic Pain
Heal Chronic Pain
Living with chronic pain is no one's idea of a picnic. Sometimes the pain can be so bad that…
Excellent Outdoor Activities You Can Do Safely During Covid-19
Excellent Outdoor Activities
Outdoor Activities You Can Do Safely: Are you using your newfound COVID-19 alert…
Key Skills for Becoming a Personal Trainer
Becoming a Personal Trainer
Many fitness fanatics think that they automatically have all of the necessary…
7 Links Between Emotional Stress And Physical Danger
Emotional Stress And Physical Danger
With stress levels rising over the Corona pandemic and the economy, it is…
How To Protect Your Hair In Harsh Winter Weather
Protect Your Hair
Winter weather can be the detriment of your luscious locks. Dry, cold air and strong winter…
Good Health Is Essential to Success
Good Health Is Essential to Success in Business
In principle, business means providing a solution to a need. A…
You Cannot Outsource Weight Loss!
You Cannot Outsource Weight Loss!
Dedicated to anyone who has ever had a weight problem - Obesity! Not something…
Sleep: The Most Important Personal Routine
Sleep: The Most Important Personal Routine
Sleep is crucial in a person's cycle. A body needs to rest…
Stress Management For International Students
Stress Management
Stress is a natural reaction of our bodies to uncertainty, demand, danger, or unexpectedness.…