Browsing Category
Story Category: Short Stories, Excerpts, Fantasy, Flash-Fiction, and Non-fiction.
The Color of Fear
The Color of Fear
“Your mother’s been murdered!” The woman who gave you birth and taught you the meaning of…
Down In The Valley
Down In The Valley
How in hell he came to be lying in cloying, dismal mud at the base of an extinct Hawaiian…
Carving Milestones: A Journey Towards Achievement
Carving Milestones
They say the two most expensive purchases an individual will make in adulthood are a reliable…
Raspberry Stains and Teardrops
Raspberry Stains and Teardrops
Isn’t it funny how some memories remain in your mind, how you play them…
We Sure Are Lucky
We Sure Are Lucky
It was May 1975. They were heading down the coast road in Oregon, both tall with blond hair…
Magical Anna
Magical Anna
In the early days of July, when tepid weather fills the Northwest, a fine mist-like rain can descend…
Ninja on High Heels
Ninja on High Heels
I took out the voice recorder, but she stopped me. Motioned with her half-visible hand to…
Final Curtain Call
Final Curtain Call
I hated my job. The halls reeked of urine and feces. Nurses reeked of stale cigarettes and…
The Morning Calm
The Morning Calm
Acid-laced coffee. Tawdry imitation 60’s décor. Indian music drifts down from worn-out ceiling…
The Lone White Dove
The Lone White Dove
Early one morning when the fog began to evaporate, revealing ever more detail in the scene…
In the City
In the City
"Ma'am," someone said over my shoulder. It was far enough away that I thought it might be directed…
Antique Loyalty
Antique Loyalty
“Come on now, hon, I know you can move a little faster than that,” cajoled Gladys in her usual…
A Revolving Cage
A Revolving Cage
She came over to Chitungwiza Friday night and she had spent the weekend at her brother’s place…
Holiday Cheer
Holiday Cheer
The world was a whir that evening – too much Christmas, too many holidays. “A drink, of course, my…
5G Tower Anomaly
5G Tower Anomaly
I was standing on one of the balconies of a massive-sized building. It could have been a twenty…