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Movies and TV
Articles on Movies and TV Shows. Read the feedback and insights from our guest writers.
Comedy Does Not Always Travel Well
Comedy Does Not Always Travel Well
Some shows travel well, mainly US adaptations of UK comedies such as 'Till…
How Dreams Fuel My Writing
Dreams Fuel My Writing
Most of us have woken and thought, where did that dream come from?For several years,…
Thrilling TV Series And Their Lackluster Contenders
Thrilling TV Series
I realise what I will write is subjective, as it is my view on the few Spanish horror movies…
Cryptocurrency Conspiracy Theory
Cryptocurrency Conspiracy Theory
“Woody Allen is divine in Bananas!” declared the wise from way way back in the…
Dark Side of the Moon
Dark Side of the Moon
French director William Karel’s ‘mockumentary’ Dark Side of the Moon (2002) demonstrates …
Los Angeles: A Big City?
Yes, with a population of almost 4 million, it is the second largest city in the United States
Lucy! You Got Some ‘Splainin To Do!
Lucy! You Got Some 'Splainin To Do!
Lucy and Ethel on the assembly line at the chocolate candy factory - who could…
Movie Review: Zero Dark Thirty
Bigelow demonstrates how skilled she is in putting a story on the screen
Hollywood is Moving to China
Something got my attention this week. Filmmaker Martin Scorsese was quoted in the media, causing international…
For the True Devotee Only
For the True Devotee Only
Every August 23, on the date of his untimely death in 1926, a memorial service is held…
Attack of the Giant Cult Films
The definition of a cult film is as slippery as any eel
Basking in the Sundance
Sundance quickly evolved into one of the most exciting of any major film festival in the world
A Male Yankee Slob’s Look at Downton Abbey
I am a Yank, but I am also an Anglophile. I enjoy things British
Political Correctness Needs a Reformation
Political Correctness
Recently Bill Maher railed Against the 'Crazy Political Correctness,' and caused outrage.…
CSI Cabot Cove
CSI Cabot Cove
Some nights after supper, I tune into old episodes of 'Murder, She Wrote' to see J.B. Fletcher do…