All Book of the Week Editions to Date
Angie’s Book of the Week for writers of fiction or textbooks, research journals, or how-to books.

What She Didn’t Know Angie’s Book of the Week #103 – Januari, 2025
Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2021 “This story is anything but predictable. Yes, here is a woman deceived by her husband which could have launched an ordinary woman-seeks-revenge tale but this is much more interesting... After a devastating tragedy that uncovers all the falsehoods she’d been living with for her entire marriage, [...]

THE TELEVANGELIST – Angie’s Book of the Week #102 February 10, 2023
The Televangelist Sister Mary Agnes was on the run, although that wasn't her real name. Disguised "under the cloth" in a remote monastery in Nerinx, Kentucky she was certain no one would uncover her real identity or the truth behind why she was there in the first place. Barclay O'Neill was known internationally as the [...]

MY TAKE – HEAR ME OUT Angie’s Book of the Week #101 June 9, 2020
THE HILLARY CLINTON-ABEDIN/HUSBAND AFFAIR Hillary Clinton feeds the FBI an assortment of anti-Trump criminal charges during the 2016 campaign and his presidency. James Baker, former FBI general consul particular “horrible and misused.” The misuse of classified data puts the FBI to activate the unofficial allegations made the counterintelligence division. On July 31, 2016, march another [...]

SELF-PUBLISHING A BOOK Angie’s Book of the Week #100 – February 2, 2020
Concise and bursting with practical advice, How to Self-Publish and Market a Book delivers exactly what its title promises, with clear eyes and little fat. *A review by Nancy Taiani: author of Healing Father John and The Mushroom's Other Hat Hank Quense's How to Self-Publish and Market a Book everything you need to know if [...]

SOME CATS START OUT AS DOGS Angie’s Book of the Week #99 – October 12, 2019
“Some Cats Start Out as Dogs” is a story that empowers everyone to embrace, and then release, the “me I want to be,” that lives inside each of us. It’s more about the way we perceive our inner selves than about how the world perceives us; smoothing the passage between how we recognize our true [...]

DARK RETRIBUTION Angie’s Book of the Week #98 – August 21, 2019
He’s desperate. He knows his sister-in-law is the next victim. And even though he’s a cop assigned to the team built to hunt the killer down and arrest him, they’ve had no luck finding him. How does he save his sister-in-law? Sometimes to fight evil, you must flirt with the devil. Sometimes you need a [...]

CAPTAIN FIN Angie’s Book of the Week #97 – July 28, 2019
When Kevin O’Neill approached me about adapting his screenplay CAPTAIN FIN into a novel, I was intrigued. Once I read the script, I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was, thrilled doesn’t cover the joy that I felt. I immediately fell in love with one of the characters, Hannah, but oddly enough it [...]

BITTER BETRAYAL Angie’s Book of the Week #96 – November 14, 2018
Bitter Betrayal is a riveting and MUST read for teens and parents alike. This book offers an honest and realistic view of the tough choices and situations that can too often destroy a teenager’s life. Only through open dialogue can we hope to educate ourselves and prevent such common tragedies from happening. The real topics addressed [...]

REDEYE FULDA COLD Angie’s Book of the Week #95 – August 1, 2018
The U.S. Army’s first shoulder-fired, guided-missile plays an important role in preventing a Russian invasion through the infamous Fulda Gap in the late 1960s. Redeye Fulda Cold details the critical CIA operations designed to thwart the Russian invasion plan for Western Europe. In early 1967, NATO and the U.S. received intelligence that the Russian high [...]

STINGER: OPERATION CYCLONE Angie’s Book of the Week #94 – July 1, 2018
Rick Fontain is back. "Stinger" is a Cold War adventure that peers inside the exploits of Congressman Charlie Wilson and CIA’s Task Force Chief Gust Avrakotos. Strange bedfellows they were…. Their alliance proved to be one of the most successful partnerships in the history of the CIA. "Stinger: Operation Cyclone" centers on the results of [...]

BACKSTAGE AT THE WHITEHOUSE Angie’s Book of the Week #93 – June 16, 2018
It’s undeniable that the last presidential election turned many people into political junkies. Blame it on the dramatic struggle for votes in the primaries, the accessibility of candidates through social media or the almost constant yammering of political pundits on cable news channels. Many people who followed every tick of election coverage long for the [...]

FYI An Unintended Consequence Angie’s Book of the Week #92 – May 6, 2018
A woman terrorized by fake news. As I read the latest novel by Patricia E. Gitt, I couldn’t help thinking about what I would do if I were faced with the dilemma that Taryn Cooper Walsh and her three co-founders of 4G Investments face when a series of shocking salacious letters sent to Taryn threatens [...]

MAGUS STAR RISING Angie’s Book of the Week #91 – April 29, 2018
“If you love well-written stories with three-dimensional characters and sophisticated plots, then Magus Star Rising: A Tale of the Galactic Nexia by Larry Ivkovich, a sci-fi novel will be a delightful treat. It’s a story that revolves around the mysterious Magus Star that will appear after many decades, an appearance to which the Senittes give [...]

WHEN WHERE WHY Angie’s Book of the Week #90 February 4, 2018
“When? Where? Why?” is a book released in December 2017. 100 years ago, World War I and other wars or conflicts were fought to present time. More Benghazi, Terrorist Update, emails, 2016 election and the former president Barack Obama of eight years were documented. The majority of books and documentaries concentrate on small isolated historical events. [...]

WARRIORS OF THE LIGHT Angie’s Book of the Week #89 November 20, 2017
I've seen it happen often enough that a second book in a series just plain doesn't measure up to the first. Not so with "Warriors of the Light." I finished reading "The Sixth Precept" and worried that there could very easily be a bobble in handling of a bad situation resolved and some mighty heroic [...]

AVANT GARDE OF WESTERN CIV Angie’s Book of the Week #88 March 26, 2017
David and his team in the Shia heartland of Iraq represented the best values and hopes of his country as he remained indefatigable over his 7 years there – outside of any perimeter – in pursuit of leaving some lasting good behind within the larger Iraqi context of dismay and disintegration. ~ Christopher Shays Congressman, [...]

TBD to be determined Angie’s Book of the Week #86 June 12, 2016
Patricia’s new corporate crime novel TBD –to be determined- features blackmail, embezzlement and a younger woman reporting to a paranoid female boss. With her boss away on vacation Katherine Cunningham becomes part of a small group of insiders bent on tracking down the blackmailer, restoring the Foundation’s funds, and clearing the good name of the wronged executive. [...]

DERANGED Angie’s Book of the Week #85 July 28, 2015
Deranged is a work of lamentation and praise, featuring three stories and three women who know that the world has been torn asunder and needs to be restored. Anna, Sophie, and Louise live at the margins of the cultures into which they were born. Each woman wrestles with forces both personal and ancestral; they refuse to [...]

REMNANT A Planet’s Search for History Angie’s Book of the Week #84 – July 22, 2015
Ever wonder where you came from? Where it all started? This is the account of four people who start out looking for their ancient past, one of several groups funded by a wealthy politician. They must climb a frozen mountain and hunt for a place called Castle Gods-Cut. 'Cut' was thought to have once meant [...]

TIME TO PAY THE RENT Angie’s Book of the Week #83 – February 15, 2015
Mike and Mike travelled back to Vietnam 40 years after the war. They travelled through the country and ended up at a place called Rach Kien, and at the house where Michael Primont lived for a year. Although not much has changed over the years a lot actually did! The head of the house was [...]

GUARDIAN OF THE SKY REALMS Angie’s Book of the Week #82 February 1, 2015
Maree Webster is an 'almost-emo' from the western suburbs of Sydney. She hates school and only has a few friends. She has an obsession with angels and fallen angel stories. Life was boring until she one day decided to steal a famous painting from a small art gallery. Her life will never be boring again. [...]

WHERE THE BODIES ARE Angie’s Book of the Week #81 – October 26, 2014
Crackling with tension author Lori Gaudet ensnares the reader into the twisted life of a serial killer in her book: Where the Bodies Are. Fear and suspicion prickles at the sensibilities of a cast of characters who all have reason to distrust others as each seeks to shelter the secrets they carry deep within their [...]

AN UNLIKELY CONCLUSION Angie’s Book of the Week #80 – September 28, 2014
‘A wonderful conclusion to a terrific series’ “An Unlikely Conclusion” is the third book in the Velvet Shoe Collection--I read all 3 in order and would encourage everyone to do the same, so you really get the feel of the series. This book begins just after Ruth Squire and Peter Kirby finally manage to get [...]

MOXIE’S PROBLEM Angie’s Book of the Week #79 – September 14, 2014
Check out the Moxie’s Problem trailer. `Laughter is like free health insurance: you can't get too much of it.' This story takes place against the backdrop of Camelot with King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin and Saxon bad guys. But this isn't the Camelot of legends. It's Camelot in a parallel universe, so all [...]

THE BEST OF THE TENERIFE TALL TALES Angie’s Book of the Week #78 – September 7, 2014
Tony Thorne MBE´s current editor has selected the best thirty tales from the three collections of his speculative stories set in, around, and even under that magical Spanish Canary Island of Tenerife. The first, award winning volume was published in the USA by Whortleberry Press and in Europe by Etcetera Press. The first volume in [...]

LADY JUSTICE AND THE PHARAOH’S CURSE Angie’s Book of the Week #77 – August 24, 2014
I love this series. The characters are fictional, but real to the reader. I enjoy the humor, but more than anything I like the tackling of some hard and relative issues. The cast of this over the hill gang separately and together are as quirky as all get out - in other words are human. [...]

THE LAST CONCEPTION Angie’s Book of the Week #76 – August 10, 2014
Gabriel Constans' inspiring new novel delves into the framework of our purpose in life; explores the tenuous balance between destiny and personal truth and the struggle we undergo when those forces are at odds. Constans weaves the two together seamlessly and in the end, we are certain that love surpasses tradition, destiny and our own selfish wants. -- Syd Parker Best-selling author of Secrets of [...]

WHEN THE DRUM MAJOR DIED Angie’s Book of the Week #75 – August 3, 2014
Meet Janol. His life is uneventful until he helps rescue the enigmatic and beautiful Onnil. Bored with his normal life, he decides to travel with Onnil, crossing three continents to reach The Spoke, which connects the ground to the sky. There, Onnil can build a device to allow Janol to defeat the army waiting to [...]

A SLIGHT MISTAKE IN THE CODE Angie’s Book of the Week #74 – July 27, 2014
Meet Janol. His life is uneventful until he helps rescue the enigmatic and beautiful Onnil. Bored with his normal life, he decides to travel with Onnil, crossing three continents to reach The Spoke, which connects the ground to the sky. There, Onnil can build a device to allow Janol to defeat the army waiting to [...]

GROW YOURSELF A LIFE YOU’LL LOVE Angie’s Book of the Week #73 – July 21, 2014
Grow Yourself a Life You'll Love suggests a new approach to life satisfaction in six easy-to-read chapters. When you understand the way you are, you're kinder to yourself. When you understand others better, you like them more and are less critical. Think how much better your life would be if you got along better with the [...]

THE INFINITY TRAP Angie’s Book of the Week #72 – July 13, 2014
How far would you go to find your missing father? For Zeke Hailey, a teenager living in the 23rd century, even Mars is not too far. Zeke’s dad is one of the Mariners, a mysterious elite of psychics who have conquered Outer Space. Now he’s vanished on a secret mission. But Zeke is an ordinary [...]

PARK AVENUE TO PARK BENCH Angie’s Book of the Week #71 – July 6, 2014
In some respects, New York is the center of the universe. That’s not just chauvinism, however appropriate chauvinism might be. It’s that New York City is in many ways the greatest European city in America. Reeking of the past and smelling like the future, it’s where the rich and poor, the haves and have-nots, live [...]

BRUMBIES IN THE OUTBACK Angie’s Book of the Week #70 – June 29, 2014
Ben and Louise discover that life on a remote cattle station is very different to their Snowy Mountains home. Missing her horse, Honey, Louise struggles to adapt to the outback. Ben has a graver concern: he is desperate to prove that Brandy, his stallion, is fit after a serious leg injury, otherwise he may be [...]

FIUME – THE LOST RIVER Angie’s Book of the Week #69 – June 22, 2014
Branka is a writer of exceptional talent who traverses cultural, historical and linguistic barriers in her writing with a passionate fluidity. I have read Branka’s novel “Fiume – The Lost River” which tells the story of migration and place; of Australia and Europe through the mysterious journey of a handful of characters. Branka’s work has [...]

A SOJOURN IN HELL Angie’s Book of the Week #68 – June 8, 2014
Serafina is married to a man she doesn’t love, who’s off fighting in WWII, and is the mother of a daughter. When she discovers the love of her life, her ex-boyfriend Joe, is dying, she contacts him to find out if that was the reason he’d broken up with her five years prior. *** "Higly [...]

TROUBLED WATER Angie’s Book of the Week #67 – March 16, 2014
At the urging of her mentor Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Lionel Stone, Lark Chadwick leaves his Wisconsin newspaper the Pine Bluff Standard to accept a job as the Cops and Courts reporter for the Columbia Sun-Gazette in Western Georgia. Driving from her home, she is in Georgia desperately needing to take a leak. Lark leaves [...]

VOW UNBROKEN Angie’s Book of the Week #66 – March 9, 2014
In 1832, young widow Sue Baylor has few choices to get her cotton to market after missing her chance to leave with the wagon train. She tries to talk her best friend Elaine into going along, but that’s not going to happen. Susannah's journey in Vow Unbroken had an unexpected stow-a-way. Me. I got so [...]

THE GREENLEE PROJECT Angie’s Book of the Week #65 – March 1, 2014
Cyber bullying. Greenlee Lynn Granger is about to find out the true meaning of technology used as a malicious tool: normal teen one day, and ruined the next. Who knew a boy's affections could turn her life into such turmoil? What she does next is shocking. An emotional glimpse into the reality of cyber bullying: [...]

THE OKAPI PROMISE Angie’s Book of the Week #64 – February 8, 2014
A cure for rabies is discovered in the heart of Africa. Two unknown adversaries join a small tour group to gain the serum. One wants to use the cure for the good of all mankind; the other for personal glory and profit. A well-painted adventure on the African continent. Paula Boer brings her significant experience [...]

PERMISSION TO SPEAK Angie’s Book of the Week #62 – December 29, 2013
“Permission to Speak” poetry for healing, by Lorraine Blanco Grund, is a collection of twenty five poems, one of which is titled “Permission to speak”. It is a very emotional outpouring of responses to first hand experiences and observations of life. The poems contain depth of feeling and beauty along with doubt, fear and pain. [...]

LOVE LUST AND CONSPIRACY Angie’s Book of the Week #61 – December 16, 2013
NOTE: Adult Erotic Fiction - Includes scenes of a strong sexual nature. Life can be terribly lonely for a young boy without friends. For most children, that's where family becomes a safe haven from the world, a place to be with others, a place to be one's true self. Kim did not have that luxury. He [...]

LADY JUSTICE AND THE VET Angie’s Book of the Week #60 – December 8, 2013
“Trauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods.” — Peter A. Levine Each generation of soldiers bring a hidden host of demons back with them from the battlefield. We call them "shell shocked," "anti-social," "scarred." We keep them at arms' length, never wanting to make direct contact but are ever watchful [...]

GREY LADY Angie’s Book of the Week #59 – December 1, 2013
“What a character. Aristotle Socarides is a diver, a fisherman, and a PI who just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. He’s the brainchild of a genius—Paul Kemprecos—who knows a thing or two about writing action and adventure. I bow to the master and urge all of you to read this latest installment in [...]

POINTS OF VIEW:THE WEAPONS Angie’s Book of the Week #58 – November 25, 2013
This story continues from book one and it is more action packed and detailed regarding Horace Mayberry's amazing nanotronic eyes. He again discovers new powers using them, starting with something as simple as changing his TV channels without using the remote unit. Terrorists steal five new nanotronic weapons developed by Professor Freeman, in his laboratory, [...]

A FAIRY MATCH Angie’s Book of the Week #57 – November 17, 2013
I feel this book is destined to be a children's classic because of author, Amanda Thrasher's substantial gift for resolving any situation with courage and kindness. When their boundless sense of adventure lands Lilly and Boris in big trouble, it becomes a lesson for us all in the rewards of selfless valor. Subsequently, their very [...]

JACKPOT Angie’s Book of the Week #56 – November 10, 2013
For anyone who loves the gritty, the witty, and perfect descriptions that lure the reader in and make them feel as if they’re standing on-site literally being witness to a crime, Author Susan Fleet has continually given this ‘gift’ to thrill-lovers with each novel. This time around, Fleet has decided to lead readers back in [...]

ALMOST SCARED to DEATH Angie’s Book of the Week #55 – November 3, 2013
'Heroic' I can't imagine how much courage it took to write this book. To be so afraid of anything medical and still persevere is truly remarkable. Then to put it to words takes strength I can't imagine. Maybe it is a catharsis and aids in dealing with the unbearable. To me, it was an opening [...]

THE HERO’S COMPANION Angie’s Book of the Week #54 – October 27, 2013
Leah Tallent and Gareth Lowery have seen it all. From walking the halls of an eerie house that held clues to one of the biggest puzzles in history; to going up against literal madmen in order to save a relic that could alter the world, the Tallent and Lowery team have had to utilize everything [...]

REUNION AT OLAN Angie’s Book of the Week #53 – October 20, 2013
'The X-Men Meet Die Hard! In a world where magic and magical beings exist as a normal part of life, Kailene, - Marshall and security head of Set Olan - thinks she's well prepared for the peace conference between the warring Galan-Hai and Shawn-Ryn. But when a group of magically and technologically enhanced terrorists attack [...]

LADY JUSTICE AND THE ASSASSIN Angie’s Book of the Week #52 – October 13, 2013
'A great Read' I got this book as a free download and I really enjoyed it. Not only does the Lady Justice series has lovable main characters, there is always something funny in each book that makes me laugh out loud, along with plenty of action of a more serious nature. This book has a [...]

GUILT OF INNOCENCE Angie’s Book of the Week #51 – October 6, 2013
Turner Hahn and Frank Morales Are Back Homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales are back on duty. The two are investigating a couple of murders which pushes them to the limits of their wits. One case involves the death of a very successful corporate lawyer. A high priced corporate lawyer who happens to be [...]

WATCHING HER WALK Angie’s Book of the Week #50 – September 29, 2013
Craig Murray has a knack with the English language that can take the reader down many a moving journey. Sometimes his poems are hauntingly beautiful, and at other moments compellingly profound. Yet they all have one common denominator -they make the reader think. Oft times they challenge the readers view of reality and sometimes his [...]

THE OTHER C-WORD Angie’s Book of the Week #49 – September 22, 2013
This was an amazingly refreshing read. So light and comedic that it was impossible to put down. But not so light that it had no meat to the story. Marley has such a different back story. She is not your typical beauty queen – which was very fun to read. A girl that would rather [...]

BRUMBIES IN THE SNOW Angie’s Book of the Week #48 – September 8, 2013
In Brumbies in the Snow, Ms Boer pulls us right away into the details of Ben and Louise's lives, opening a window onto another world. This one revolves around brumbies and life in the Australian bush for two teenagers. Brumbies are Australia's wild horses. Ms Boer delineates them with love and the experience of someone [...]

IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD Angie’s Book of the Week #47 – September 1, 2013
This compelling book follows Maria McCutchen's dark journey after she is diagnosed with a rare brain cyst that affects every aspect of her life as a young wife and mother. The book details Maria's desperate search for a neurosurgeon knowledgeable enough and caring enough to 'fix her.' Along her journey she is subjected to incompetency [...]

FLASHES AND SPECKS Angie’s Book of the Week #46 – August 18, 2013
A novel unlike any other I have ever read. This truly unique and intriguing book tells the story of Henry Kent, a math teacher who has a kid with strange hobbies, a wife who can’t stay at home, and fellow teachers with issues. But that is not what the book is about at all. These [...]

WOTAN’S DILEMMA Angie’s Book of the Week #45 – August 11, 2013
You don’t have to know anything about opera to enjoy this parody. What if, you took the storyline from Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle of operas, and moved it from the Dark Ages to the future? And what if, the all powerful Ring instead became an all-powerful computer chip? And what if the fantasy creatures were [...]

OUTERNET Angie’s Book of the Week #44 – July 28, 2013
Roland Bouverie is a media mogul whose tentacles spread worldwide. Long ago he avoided the temptation to join the internet generation and is now finding that his business empire is in serious decline and decides to now take down this technology. He has the money and the determination to do so, irrespective of the outcome. [...]

CEO Angie’s Book of the Week #43 – July 21, 2013
“CEO is a corporate page-turner complete with ambition, betrayal, romance and greed. It is a slice of corporate life, from the viewpoint of the first woman to be appointed CEO of an industrial corporation. CEO is real life upped in pace, color, flavor and tempo. Possessing the ambition that is comparable to that of a man, Melissa Lynn [...]

THE GREEN LANTERN Angie’s Book of the Week #42 – June 30, 2013
The Green Lantern: A guide for Achieving the American Dream - Volume 2 - How to survive in a modern economy (Even on a Poet’s income!) This book was not meant to sit on a shelf collecting dust. It is a guide for daily living and is meant to be used and passed on to [...]

LEGACY OF A LEADER Angie’s Book of the Week #41 – June 23, 2013
"Michael's study of Ronald Reagan is a reflection of his true love for history. His astute observations through obviously well-read texts are not only informative, but his writings illustrate his passion to make history come alive in the mind's eye of the reader, enthusiastically drawing both student and scholar toward key events while offering fresh [...]

SECOND CHANCES Angie’s Book of the Week #40 – June 16, 2013
Go ahead. Take Charge of your life. Move forward...if you can... Changing her future means letting go of her past. Karina heads to a weekend seminar and discovers the speaker is the person she needs to move on from. But she soon realizes bigger issues are facing her... There were moments while reading Unbound when [...]

FALSTAFF’S BIG GAMBLE Angie’s Book of the Week #39 – June 9, 2013
Hank Quense took a simple concept – lift some characters from Shakespeare, put them in a box and shake vigorously – and added his own unique touches. For example, Hamlet, who is actually the first character we meet, is a dwarf, and prince of the town of Denmarko. He does in fact meet a ghost, [...]

AN UNLIKELY BEGINNING Angie’s Book of the Week #38 – May 26, 2013
There are a few books that I call page-turners, but Patty Wiseman has done it again. A captivating sequel, one I couldn't wait for, with meandering rotation as well as unforeseen resolution griped me throughout. For me, such an easy read because Patty's work draws me in and doesn't let me go. — Keith J. McCormick [...]

BEYOND THE PRECIPICE Angie’s Book of the Week #37 – May, 2013
Trapped by the wishes of his dead father and his brother’s blackmail, Bret Killeen suppresses his musical talent for years—until he meets Nicole, a university cello player with big dreams. As Bret wrestles with unresolved grief and guilt over his father’s death, Nicole stirs his passion for music until it can no longer be ignored. [...]

BAD CHOICES Angie’s Book of the Week #36 – May 12, 2013
It takes courage to talk about teen insecurity, anger, depression, and drug use. While many of us have personal experience, either in our own family or that of a friend's or neighbor's, the topic all too often remains taboo. And when that struggle ends in an untimely death, writers often shy away from this subject. [...]

NUMEN YEYE Angie’s Book of the Week #35 – May 5, 2013
Princess Numen came to the planet earth with a mapped out mission of how to help mankind especially those around her to fight forces of darkness that might want to destroy them. However, once she was born, she had trouble linking to her spiritual world from where she came. She could not understand the sudden [...]

STUCK IN A MOMENT Angie’s Book of the Week #34 – April 28, 2013
In architecture, an egg is often considered to have the perfect shape. If one holds it in their hands end-to-end, it can absorb enormous amounts of pressure without breaking; if held in any other orientation the fragile shell can break easily and cause egg to splash in your face. Girl with the Crooked Smile - [...]

THE DEAD SOUL Angie’s Book of the Week #33 – April 14, 2013
In this first novel, serial killer expert, star of Investigation Discovery’s hit series DARK MINDS, author of twenty-three books, M. William Phelps takes readers into the twisted world of “the Optimist,” a sadistic serial killer—based on Phelps’s ten years of research and writing about serial killers—bent on not only terrorizing his young female victims, leaving [...]

THE FORGOTTEN AGE Angie’s Book of the Week #32 – March 31, 2013
In the world of archaeology, some things are just not meant to be. Only the brave or foolhardy will ever dare to challenge the establishment and its accepted theories. Previously, Dr Nick Palmer had proved himself beyond any reasonable doubt by saving the Earth and the entire Solar system from total destruction on December, 21st, [...]

THE BOUNTY HUNTER Angie’s Book of the Week #31 – March 17, 2013
The god's do not always smile on the innocent. Sir Wendel, once the youngest Knight in the land, has fallen from the good graces of the new king. His wife and child are brutally murdered as he is forced to watch and he is stripped of all his possessions save his sword which carries a [...]

GHOST OF WHISPERING WILLOW Angie’s Book of the Week #30 – February 10, 2013
There's something in the Whispering Willows. Andy, Stewart and Zach are sure it's a ghost. Amateur ghost hunters, they set up equipment hoping to get pictures and videos of the elusive spirit. Finally, luck is with them and they see a boy about their age, obviously a ghost. Imagine their surprise when Ally, Kendall, Maggie [...]

As Soon as Possible Angie’s Book of the Week #29 – February 3, 2013
"Dynamic business woman thwarts mysterious forces threatening company demise." ASAP is one of the most enjoyable, page turning mysteries involving a strong, brilliant woman struggling to “have it all” that I have ever read. It involves a woman, business founder, Suzanne Moss, with a competitive husband and two preteen children who is trying to save [...]

CRUISE SHIP MURDERS Angie’s Book of the Week #28 – January 27, 2013
There's something about a murder mystery aboard a ship at sea...the culprit can't escape easily; but neither can the intended victim. Writers like Agatha Christie and Ian Fleming have used this vehicle to set up plots and sub-plots to make the reader roll with the waves as they sort through events and clues. Robert Thornhill [...]

A LITTLE CRUSHED Angie’s Book of the Week #27 – January 13, 2013
Max has a dilemma. Does he allow the caustic but fragile Rebecca, to get under his skin— and if so, how much, how far? A Little Crushed is provocative and will linger with you long after the last page is turned. This age-old tale of student/teacher attraction is told with intelligence and depth. The complexities [...]

THE DELIVERER Angie’s Book of the Week #26 – December 30, 2012
With well-defined characters we have come to know, Kathi Macias brings a satisfying conclusion to the story of Mara and the other girls in the story. Both heartwarming and heart-rending, The Deliverer is a story and characters you will long remember after turning the last page. Don’t miss this final chapter in this timely series [...]

BECOMING Angie’s Book of the Week #25 – December 22, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of poems by Nadia Janice Brown. They are spiritual, inspirational and full of ‘writer’ sensibility, which I love. The tone is ‘quiet,’ making this little collection perfect for your night table, to be read before bedtime. Brown’s pen touches upon various subjects: God, the Genesis, marriage, fear, happiness, love, inspiration, [...]

THE WHITE DEATH Angie’s Book of the Week #24 – December 15, 2012
Those who like good horror fiction should certainly become familiar with Debbie Kuhn's work, even though she writes in several genres. The White Death is a collection which includes ten dark tales and it is definitely worth reading. Whether they are humans or ghosts, the main characters are all motivated by basic human fears and [...]

NEPTUNE’S EYE Angie’s Book of the Week #23 – December 8, 2012
Superstar author, Paul Kemprecos is at is again. Soc is hot on the heels of his next adventure. Mr. Frederick Walther hires Aristotle “Soc” Socarides to find his daughter Leslie who’s been missing for more than a month. Her employer Doctor Thomas Drake (of Neptune Technologies, Inc.) is suspicious and the one to look at [...]

A SOLITARY LIFE Angie’s Book of the Week #22 – December 1, 2012
A book to be savoured Mary Margaret Carmichael, the hero of this novel, is a well-known author who has been persuaded to publish her autobiography, and it is this that is the basis of a very intriguing story. She enlists the help of family and friends, and their input sets the story off in several [...]

HATTIE Angie’s Book of the Week #21 – November 26, 2012
“Hattie’s story comes out of the heart and soul of what it means to be human in a sometimes inhuman world. It is an extraordinary journey through the depths of human struggle, the heights of human triumph, and the ways in which they are vital and intimate partners in a courageous and transcendent life. HATTIE [...]

THE SIXTH PRECEPT Angie’s Book of the Week #20 – November 11, 2012
By Dwayne Russell: I found much to admire about The Sixth Precept, by Larry Ivkovich. Its narrative is steeped in a particular culture that permeates and enriches the story – in this case, Japanese. The mythology is complex and engaging, and the plot is beautifully intricate. There is enough right about The Sixth Precept that I can both recommend [...]

ONE LAST LOVE Angie’s Book of the Week #19 – November 4, 2012
By Mary Crocco: They took ‘it’s never too late’ to a whole new level! A beautifully written love story with a message of tolerance is what Derek Haines brings to his readers. His main character, Bonnie, as he likes to be called, is transferred from a hospital to a hospice to live out his last [...]

ADVENTURE IN INDIANAPOLIS Angie’s Book of the Week #18 – October 29, 2012
An Adventure in Indianapolis is about criminal activity, but does not fall into the traditional ‘murder mystery’ story. The story is about a crime problem in Middle America, and how it is resolved. It is ‘Americentric’ and shows much of the culture, while having an open sense of humor about conditions in the USA. The nation [...]

WINDS OF WILDFIRE Angie’s Book of the Week #17 – October 21, 2012
By Yuke Man Allbooks Review International We all crash in different ways and at different times, wrote Ronald P. Chavez in his latest novel Winds of Wildfire. Every reader can relate to crashes but the question is how to rise from them? Chavezs unparallel Winds of Wildfire offers answers on how his protagonists crash and rise [...]

FAITHFUL SHADOW Angie’s Book of the Week #16 – October 14, 2012
By Donald Harris: I could tell the novel was either professionally edited or just extremely well written...or both. It started off with the feel of a horror movie, as if I were watching it rather than reading it and he kept that momentum through the entire novel. I found the employee elements of the novel engaging [...]

NATALIE’S REVENGE Angie’s Book of the Week #15 – October 4, 2012
Amy Lignor, Feathered Quill Book Reviews: " ... the coolest detective in literature at the moment - Frank Renzi - [has] a new crime to solve. A VIP shot [dead] in one of New Orleans' swankiest hotels. Natalie is a truly intelligent and seductive character. Renzi’s hunt and Natalie’s actions go beyond thrilling. This is one great [...]

MOSAIC of the BROKEN SOUL Angie’s Book of the Week #14 – September 23, 2012
Reviewed By Morgan Drake Official 5 star Apex Reviews Rating: Exquisitely well-crafted, The Mosaic Of The Broken Soul is a highly rewarding literary jewel. Chronicling one brave soul’s harrowing journey on the road to self-discovery, author Branka Cubrilo’s moving offering is equally heartrending and uplifting. Touching on such delicate themes as motherhood, friendship, grief, loss, and [...]

NOSTALGIA Angie’s Book of the Week #13 – September 9, 2012
Nostalgia, there is a history lesson in that word. Laughter, tears, love, and fears all contained in bygone years. A time of boomerangs, hula hoops, and silly putty, simple stuff. In 1869, Cincinnati sponsored the first all-professional baseball team, the Red Stockings. The payroll totaled $9,500. The success of the Red Stockings led to the [...]

FERVOR Angie’s Book of the Week #12 – August 26, 2012
By Ursula K. Raphael I first came across Chantal Boudreau when I read her short story, Palliative, in the anthology, "Vampires, Zombies and Ghost - Oh My!" I was very impressed, so when she asked me if I would review her novel, Fervor, I agreed without hesitation...but when I received the book in the mail, and [...]

THE REBELS Angie’s Book of the Week #11 – August 19, 2012
By Alice D. for Readers Favorite "The Rebels, Book Two of the Empire Series" is first-rate science fiction that fans of the genre will not want to miss. Bryce, Adrian Stannis, and Kali Mirren need to get away from the Empire, from Admiral Gwen van Reutensbrg and her cybernetic guardian, Spencer. Bryce, Adrian, and Kali [...]

Faces Behind The Stones Angie’s Book of the Week #10 – August 12, 2012
By Irma Fritz Do you remember the ghost in Shakespeare’s Hamlet telling his story, asking his son to avenge his “murder most foul.” What Fran Lewis wrote in “Faces Behind the Stones” is as frightening as those ghostly scenes. We can all be grateful that non-fiction writer, reviewer, blogger, and radio host Fran Lewis has taken [...]

Chronicles of Mark Johnson Angie’s Book of the Week #9 – August 5, 2012
By Fran Lewis Some mysteries are meant to remain unsolved and others often gnaw at you until the answers and the pieces of the puzzle are in place. Mark Johnson loved life as long as he was sitting on cliff top watching the waves, hearing the wind howl and the storm clouds filling the sky. Mark [...]

A Spark of Heavenly Fire Angie’s Book of the Week #8 – July 30, 2012
By Aaron Lazar Who says you can’t squeeze romance into a thriller? And while you’re at it, how about weaving in a deeply moving story about human redemption? Author Pat Bertram says you can. And she’ll convince you before you can say chimera — the lethal combination of virus, bacterium, fungus, and human genes that causes [...]

CINDERELLA CHRONICLES Angie’s Book of the Week #7 – July 15, 2012
"Beautiful, Enchanting, and Magical: a must-read by Alexandria Altman." - Johnny Depp "Once Upon A time is here! ...beautiful and amazing!" - Joseph ODonnell, Arts and Entertainment Magazine "Cinderella meets Twilight in this modern day story of magic, love, loss, and betrayal." - Ricki Maslar, C.S.A., Casting Director of Paranormal Activity Editor's Choice - Beverly Hills [...]

The Comfort of the Shepherd Angie’s Book of the Week #6 – July 8, 2012
By Reverend Joseph C. Tizio: Unlike other Christian traditions, we in the Roman Catholic tradition can sometimes find ourselves intimidated by scripture thinking that the study and meditation of scripture is reserved for professionals only. Many Catholics have a deep desire to come to know scripture more deeply, especially the gospels but they have no [...]

Angel in Flight Angie’s Book of the Week #5 – July 1, 2012
A tough and capable new female hero By Precious Oil: A new female hero has appeared - in the very attractive shape of Angel Murphy, a feisty wee girl from Belfast. This time around she is on holiday in Greece and the islands, where her recent difficult past catches up with her in the shape [...]

Mack Dunstan’s Inferno Angie’s Book of the Week #4 – June 24, 2012
In this book, Mack Dunstan’s Inferno, Paul Collins takes a giant step forward, bravely writing a novel about a Dantesque journey into life after death - the consequences versus rewards of how we will spend our eternal days based on our actions in this life. No, this is not a religious drama: quite the opposite. Even [...]

What Brought You Here? Angie’s Book of the Week #3 – June 17, 2012
By Jo Anne Mitchum: This beautifully crafted collection of poetic memoirs reflects everyday events in technicolor. Just as the common caterpillar transforms into a magnificent butterfly, Nancy's writing transforms the humdrum into a poetic masterpiece. With each stroke of her poetic brush, Nancy's prose tickled my own memories, inviting me to enter her world through [...]

Goblin Tales for Adults Angie’s Book of the Week #2 – June 8, 2012
From the very first story I was hooked, and for some reason, the style Jack Eason uses in this book had me thinking immediately of Geoffrey Chaucer meeting Mother Goose. It’s a beautifully crafted story book that will delight any reader. In particular, I just loved ‘I Juth Want One Night’th Thleep’, the story of [...]

After 2012 Angie’s Book of the Week #1 – June 1, 2012
By Antoinette Ashton: My study group used this story as a class project and, as a college student paying my own way, I could relate to Diane's struggle of working two jobs and trying to make ends meet. All the talk about 2012 disasters has spawned many books, movies and television shows but this one [...]
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