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Articles on Psychology: Humanism, Abuse, Self-improvement, and related topics.
Unveiling The Wisdom of Old Sayings
Old Sayings
Have you ever considered the old sayings and phrases spoken by generation after generation? "You…
Sleep Disorders in Women
Sleep Disorders in Women
Twenty million women in America are tossing and turning on a nightly basis.Learn…
Something is Missing
Something is Missing
When we’re lonely and stuck in a box of “Only Ifs, Whys, and Why-Nots,” there is always a…
Laughing At Death
Laughing At Death
Lewis Grizzard once said, “Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.” And as far as I…
The Psychological Impact of Insolvency on Creativity
The Psychological Impact of Insolvency on Creativity
How Financial Troubles Affect the Ability to Create…
The Wisdom of Love
The Wisdom of Love
In Mark Twain's book titled, Following the Equator, he says, "We should be careful to get out…
Does The Neurochemistry of a Woman Keep Her Insolvent?
Does The Neurochemistry of a Woman Keep Her Insolvent?
It’s always been an uphill battle for women to earn…
She Says He Says
She Says He Says
Men and women both check out the other sex, but who does it more?Women. Recent research…
Activities For Kids to Build Self-Esteem
Activities For Kids to Build Self-Esteem
One of the reasons that low self-esteem exists on such a large scale is…
Go Away Rain!
Go Away Rain
For the first time in almost seven years, I was alone after sending my husband off to work and both…
How Does Drug and Alcohol Use Affect Your Relationship?
Drug and Alcohol Use
Couples in which a partner abuses or misuses drugs or alcohol are miserable. They are often…
Deepen Your Relationship
Deepen Your Relationship
Sometimes our relationships are not as strong as we would like them to be.There…
Romancing Ourselves
Romancing Ourselves
Physical closeness breeds frustration. There are always arguments between two unique…
The Quest for Love
The Quest for Love
Have you made your New Year's Resolutions already? - A new year ought to bring chances and…
In These Times December 2021
In These Times December 2021
"Advice from a sunflower: Be bright, sunny, and positive. Spread seeds of…