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Beauty and Health
Articles on Beauty and Health – Subcategory of Lifestyle. Read from specialists in various disciplines.
Best Buys For Wellbeing
Best Buys For Wellbeing
Probably the most important thing you'll want to learn is that you do not have to spend…
Running Problems: Treatment and Prevention
Even though running is said to be extremely beneficial for our cardiovascular health, blood sugar levels, and…
The Art of The Forever Young Face
The Forever Young Face
When a 65-year-old neck looks like a 30-year-old's, you may want to pay attention to what…
8 Beauty Facts of Blueberries and Blackberries
8 Beauty Facts of Blueberries and Blackberries
Antioxidants have become a big hit in the skincare industry these…
The Complete Guide For Tattoo Beginners
Guide For Tattoo Beginners
Wanna get a tattoo but don’t know where and how to start? If yes, this guide is…
How to Maintain a Healthy Diet
You should not focus on getting unrealistically thin or wholly abandoning the foods you love to eat
Healthy Designs in Furniture
Healthy Designs in Furniture
Furniture is an integral part of many healthcare projects right now. These items…
Prebiotics Vs Probiotics – What’s the difference?
A healthy colon is what you need to maintain a sound digestion
About the Zika Virus
About the Zika Virus
The Zika virus was first discovered in 1941 in Zika Forest, Uganda. Since then, there have…
Aphrodisiacs or Libido Enhancers
An aphrodisiac is an agent used to stimulate the sexual drive or potency
22 One-Minute Tricks To Lose Weight
22 One-Minute Tricks To Lose Weight
Try The Following:Do stuff while you are on the phone: do the dishes,…
Mom Story
Mom Story
"A Child Learns About MS," tells the story of a young girl who sees her mother with some frightening…
Fat Burning Foods
Fat Burning Foods: Here is a list of fat burning foods that will wake up your metabolism and help you flush fat…
Negative Calorie Foods
Negative Calorie Foods
Okay, here it is... all the Negative Calorie Foods!
I start with the list right here, so…