Aphrodisiacs or Libido Enhancers


Aphrodisiacs or Libido Enhancers

Aphrodisiacs or Libido Enhancers. Used among others by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, but also in India and China Aphrodisiacs have been used for a long time. An aphrodisiac is an agent used to stimulate sexual drive or potency.



Adding fiber and complex carbohydrates to your diet aids in weight management. This is crucial because obesity is linked to low testosterone–something that contributes to decreases in both sexual drive and function.

Choose whole-wheat over white bread, and have whole-grain cereal instead of cornflakes for breakfast. Oats are the grain of choice, as some researchers say they increase the amount of testosterone in the blood. Whole grains also help sustain energy levels, which can be useful in bed.


A stimulant for the circulatory system, Ginger is said to increase blood flow to the genitals.

It’s the plant’s aromatic stem that’s used for culinary and medicinal purposes. It can be eaten raw, cooked or crystallized.



Honey’s special power comes from the mineral boron, which helps the body utilize estrogen, the basic female sex hormone. Some researchers claim that honey also increases energy levels.

It’s likely creative minds will also think of other ways to milk honey of its potential libido-boosting powers.


The Romans allegedly tossed walnuts–not rice–at newlyweds, as they were considered symbols of fertility.

While there may not be much scientific evidence behind this tradition, we do know that nuts can help keep our vascular system healthy, which ensures adequate blood flow to the genital region. Nuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower cholesterol.

They also contain other heart-healthy nutrients as well, like magnesium, folic acid, and zinc.



Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love after whom Aphrodisiacs are named, gave birth to Eros on an oyster shell, marking the beginning of the oyster’s sexual reputation. And there actually might be some truth to this notoriety: Oysters are notably high in zinc, which is needed for testosterone production.

It has been shown, too, that men with zinc-deficient diets are at risk for prostate problems. In male reproduction, zinc may be necessary for adequate testosterone levels and sperm counts.


Along with being low in fat and excellent sources of protein, soy products, such as tofu and soy milk, have phytoestrogens, which are said to combat PMS and menopause–two things that can definitely get in the way of a good sex life.

“Because soy binds estrogen receptors, it helps keep the vaginal area lubricated, which especially helps women whose estrogen levels are decreasing,” says Beverly Whipple, professor emeritus at Rutgers University and vice president of the World Association for Sexology.

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