Everywhere You Go
Everywhere You Go
Everywhere you go
They are there
Moving fast and slow
On a busy thoroughfare
Lining city streets
Outside homes
Hulking blocks of metal
Confined to parking zones
From Bentley to Leaf
From A to B
Is a stop-start session
In inefficiency
A billion-plus ignitions
Belching CO2
Shredding tire rubber
Coated in oily goo
Slick ads show
Futuristic designs
But under the bonnet
It’s still model-T-time
A revolution is pending
Self-drive the cause
The process will be safer
But boring, of course
Gunning an engine
Hitting the road
Turbo-charged language
Will enter a softer mode
They could become hybrid
Road and air
But whatever happens
They will still be everywhere
PAIN – Rene van Helsdingen, Giacomo Dominici, Ivan Gambini,
Mark Fuller, Gerard Mosterd, Peter Gentur