Revisiting The Past Can Be Scary
Revisiting The Past Can Be Scary
Have you ever considered revisiting a piece you wrote years ago? I am right now, and it’s scary.
When I originally wrote the piece in question back in 1995, spending my Friday nights conceiving a fresh chapter for my entertainment and that of my friends, I thought it was brilliant.
But then I would, wouldn’t I? After all, it emerged from my mind, no one else’s.
From that first attempt at science fiction came my sci-fi space opera, “Onet’s Tale,” which I wrote in 2003 and eventually published in 2010.
I shudder now when I look at the first story. It is not necessarily bad, but because my use of words back then was so darned flowery. In my defense, I say only this—I knew no better then, so sue me!
While it is currently fifty thousand words long, so much of it is nothing more than long descriptive passages.
I blame those on my days when I wrote for various magazines in New Zealand.
After all, description constitutes any article worth its salt in the ‘travel’ scene.
Little did I know in 1995 that seventeen years later, I would be totally consumed with writing blog posts, short stories, and full-length novels. If we’re truthful, none of us know what lies ahead of us.
Meanwhile, I’m about to begin chapter 4, having already cut a lot out, not to mention altering punctuation, style, etc. I shall doubtless be occupied with it for several months yet.
What will I do with it when I’m done? Who knows? Maybe I’ll offer it to my editor as the prequel to “Onet’s Tale”, which technically it is. Or I may even publish it on my blog a chapter at a time.
Thinking that far ahead hurts my brain, so I’ll stop right now revisiting the past…
Since writing this article a lot has happened. I am no longer under the thumb of an editor and publisher, having decided to self publish.
The novel in question – Turning Point – is now available via Kindle and is doing well, as is my second sci-fi novel for this year – The Seventh Age, favourably reviewed by one of today’s most noteworthy authors on ancient Egypt – Robert Bauval. 🙂
Great news Jack 🙂 Yes going back can be scary. I was like that in Jan 2011 when friends coaxed me to put my work out there to be read. Editors are not know-it-alls. One article I wrote said, they should aim there market pitch with somebody like you and I in mind. Spent our lives working and never had the chance to go to University as life got in the way.
Hope it goes well my good friend;)
Thanks Alan.
It makes me wonder how many good stories have simply never seen the light of day when the writer in question was discouraged by someone who quite frankly should no better – I refer to editors. Instead of simply doing their job – editing, they think it is their duty to become judge, jury and in many cases – executioner when it comes to what makes a good story. The reading public decide what is a good read not an editor.
Regarding my second novel “The Seventh Age”, for someone like Robert Bauval to not only read it but also heap praise on it, when months earlier I was told by an editor that it was a non starter, makes you wonder about the value of editors in general. 🙂