Artists Who Understand People


Bad communications bring busy people to their knees. You’re busy, your clients, students, prospects, suppliers, vendors, lenders and everyone you deal with on a daily basis are busy.  Quickly picking up on the best way to communicate with each person can save you huge amounts of time.

Garro’s  Personality Detective System (PDS) is all about knowing people as well as you know how to paint. Knowing you are good at what you do won’t make others easy to get along with unless you know their preferred style of doing business.

detectivesPDS creates happy clients. How? You demonstrate with your PDS skills that you understand how to give each client the painting they want, the way they want it at a cost they are happy to pay. Does the happy pay part stick in your craw? Hello, your clients pay others who serve them without question. Expect them to do the same with you.

Ready to find out more?

PDS comes from my research that earned me in January of 2000 a U.S. Patent & Trademark Service Mark for my system Character Architectural Technology® that shows how nine distinct personalities do business and live their lives. PDS is the business version and here I cover the Three Thinking Styles.

Like me, you can think of people who can get what they want from those they do business with most of the time. Even if you consider yourself one of them, I hope you believe you can get even better at it.

The foundation of the Personality Detective System consists of the Three Thinking Systems that move people to act: Instinctive, Cerebral and Emotional. Are you getting a sense of which Thinking System you use most of the time?

Let’s use an example. You art show warriors know you have about ninety seconds to figure out how each new prospect wants information. When you know what to look for, they tell you. As soon as new people talk, you can begin your PDS analysis.

Key—you won’t find out by talking about what you do, dumping your elevator speech on them or rolling out your sixty-second commercial. You’ll get a lot more information by listening first or inviting them to open up with, I’m so glad you stopped to talk. Tell me, what made you stop and speak with me?

Here are the basic traits of each of the Thinking Systems styles:

  • Instinctive – gut-driven, react, have demands, have the most expectations, and a lot of owners work out of this style
  • Cerebral – analytical, information-driven, slower to respond, need to understand before they can make decisions, and many accountants and engineers work out of this style
  • Emotional – people driven, look for other’s approval to judge their successes, talkers, hardest to manage, and many administrative and personnel people work out of this style

You may be thinking that you use all three of these systems. And, you are right. We all do. Still, you are literally born with one preferred style, an auxiliary style and confusion about one style. Our goal here is to help you understand and use the style that works in each situation. Does that make you a chameleon? Call it what you like. It makes you able to do whatever it takes to efficiently and effectively deal with others.

My research has proven that we each are born with a preferred style. That means under stress you’ll use your default preferred style automatically. You need to be clear about what style that is, so you know why to behave the way you do under stress. Those of you who have children can probably pick out which default style each of your children was born with. Consider Instinctive children independently know what they want and go after it, Cerebral children are the curious ones who ask lots of questions, and Emotional children are the ones who cling, get upset when you leave them, and generally, want the most attention.

So, how can you make PDS work for you with new people to quickly discover which one of the Thinking Styles each prefers?

Here are examples of how each of the Thinking Styles wants information:

  • Instinctive – bottom line, focused on what’s important to them, which they are happy to tell you. Avoid answering anticipated questions. Answer their real questions. These are rarely shy people. You want to avoid making them frustrated with your process.
  • Cerebral – analytical, want to understand everything, and can’t make decisions until they feel they have enough data. Anticipate this and make sure you have client contracts ready for signing that detail your transaction. You want to make sure to address their fears.
  • Emotional – get down to the information portion of your conversation after you take some time to get to know them and share some information about who you are. They won’t care about what you can do until they know that you care about them. Keep them comfortable in conversation. Avoid insulting these image-conscious, take things personally people.

Start using the Personality Detective System as you move through your workday, in person, and over the telephone. You have enough information to get you started. PDS makes you click with people and conversations more comfortable. It’s fun. You’ll begin to feel PDS’s power.

  1. Avatar of Andrew J. Sacks
    Andrew J. Sacks says

    Excellent and thought-provoking work, Barbara. Thank you!

  2. Avatar of Joyce White
    Joyce White says

    I, too, thought it was thought-provocating. As an artist my words come from my instinctive and cerebral thinking. When I am sculpting clay I must turn off every thought and let my hands cut away all that is hiding. As a result I am always surprised and amazed at the art that iI unburied. Joyce

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