How Do We Know If That’s True?


How Do We Know If That’s True?

If you or someone you know finds “Is there a God?” more accessible than “metaphysics” and an important question then you might love this book.  The book does not intend to be ‘dumbed-down’ – in fact, there is a desire to blend a plain-language approach to treating readers with respect – no one enjoys feeling condescended to, do they?

The idea here is to present the basics in a way that makes people feel they can really achieve something with philosophy after they have worked through it.

Five-Big-Questions-in-Life-by-Miriam-PiaDesigned more like a manual, the principles are taught in direct relation to cases and events and as ways of tackling questions. For some readers, this will be more than enough. For others, the work will clarify which branch of philosophy to pursue further.

Is There a God? How do we know anything? What is right and wrong? These are just three examples of questions the book addresses.

Without pretense, the book has grown from an author trained in the Western philosophical tradition.  That has strengths and weaknesses and is a definite ‘point of view’ in the grand scheme.  The author taught at university and had no idea she was a philosopher but was pleasantly shocked by what a great match she and philosophy were.

It went so well that she ended up with both a BS and the PD/ MA offered in the field, all Western philosophy. Over the years, she has also bothered to put the books down, think things through, live life, and see how all that reading fits with reality.

After quite a long time, and having done a little work in philosophy but also a variety of other things, she also gained some experience writing professionally as a contract writer. This book is her first nonfiction book. She hopes it helps readers with the same devotion to readers that good teachers have to their students.

The author is not an enemy of the Eastern way of philosophy but aside from Allen Watts and a Taoist poem and other snippets here and there the level of knowledge is far too low to write anything beyond a little essay – and it should probably go through a teacher before it gets sent to an editor if you get the idea.

This being the truth, Eastern philosophy is mentioned in the book but the author believes it is the better part of valor to not make false pretenses to knowledge.  Trust me, if I want to make things up, I’ll just write you more fiction.  There is one novel and some short stories available if you don’t care whether or not it is true.

In truth, it is hoped that nonfiction and fiction can be separated: this is often easy but at times terribly tricky, and both can be enjoyed.

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