Will Traditional Ways of Selling Books Remain Effective?


Traditional Ways of Selling Books

Traditional Ways of Selling Books

I participated in a discussion with several authors the other night concerning ways of promoting our books. For once, I didn’t say much, just sat back and listened to their suggestions for getting book reviews, getting the publishing company recognized by RWA and MWA, getting their books in stores.

What struck me was that these were all traditional ways of promoting books. There was not a single mention of online promotion, of alternate means of promoting.

I’m the first to admit that online promotion doesn’t sell many books if you’re an unknown, but to be honest, I never said that it did. For me, online promotion has always been about establishing an internet presence.

What I know about marketing books can fit on the head of a pin and still leave room for a host of dancing angels, but I figured that once my books reached a certain critical mass of reviews, sales, and readers (fans?), momentum (via the linked nature of the internet) would cause sales to mushroom. Hasn’t happened, but that’s the theory, anyway.

On the other hand, do the traditional ways work? Or, more importantly, will the traditional ways of promotion continue to work as ebooks supplant print books? I never thought that would happen — too many of us prefer the comfort of a print book – but recently two bits of information made me rethink my bias. First, the day after Christmas, Barnes and Noble sold a million ebooks.

Second, a recent poll found that college students don’t read books. I’m not sure all those people filling up their ebook readers are actually going to read the books they download, but the fact is, ebooks are selling.

Does it matter that our books aren’t in stores if people are going to buy ebooks? Does it matter that we don’t have offline reviews of people who will have to go online to buy the books? Does it matter that we don’t have book signings if there are no print books to sign?

Perhaps I’m looking too far ahead. Perhaps print books won’t disappear until long after we’re moldering in our graves, but the ebook era is approaching faster than we imagined. We need to find new ways of promoting to meet the challenge. Oddly enough, blog tours are already so prevalent as to be almost useless.

But what’s beyond book signings, reviews in magazines, bookstores? What’s beyond blogging, Twittering, Facebooking? That’s what we need to be considering.

  1. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    Things are happening so fast these days regarding publishing Pat. We’re all caught up in it one way or other, either as writers or readers, or in my case, both. Unless traditional publishing wants to be left behind, it has to get its act together. 😀

  2. Avatar of Dave Ebright
    Dave Ebright says

    Pat – I don’t know what’s the best way to promote. Every week it seems there’s a new “best way to do it” post – I don’t even bother trying. I’m having moderate success so I’ll spend my time writing & when some guru comes up with “SUREFIRE WAY TO MARKET BOOKS” maybe then I’ll invest some effort. As for brick & mortar stores carrying books – so many are closing, big ones & small ones. It’s a loss for everyone.

  3. Avatar of ROD MARSDEN
    ROD MARSDEN says

    It is hard to know what the future will bring to the novel. The most important thing to an author is having his or her work read and that is the bottom line. I love paperbacks and always will. Traditionalists will see me as a rebel because I don’t have a particular liking or preference for hardcovers. If ebooks are selling then I say great. My books tend to do better as ebooks and, since they are still being read, that is fine with me. I love going to book stores and checking out the shelves full of wit and imagination. Unfortunately book stores are fast disappearing. Dave is right about it being a loss. I particularly liked those stores where you buy a book and then a coffee. Those places have a real communal feel to them. One still exists at Thirroul near Wollongong, NSW. This isn’t far from where I hang my hat.

  4. Avatar of andrea anderson
    andrea anderson says

    Nobody has to rely on the traditional publishers anymore. This is a great time to be an author.

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