Interview with J. J. Dare


False Positive” and “False World,” the first two books in the Joe Daniel’s trilogy, are about deception, espionage, and redemption. These are written under the pen name of J. J. Dare. I’m working on the third and final book.

What inspired you to write this particular story?
I was inspired to write about hidden government agendas and their devastating after effects when I thought about why we, as a nation, involve our resources in other nations’ conflicts. My biggest inspiration: the eternal, What if?

jj-dareHow much of yourself is hidden in the characters in the book?
The aggressive part of my passive/aggressive personality is turned loose in the books. I can let myself go through my characters; I can destroy without regret, lie with a straight face and a cold heart, and generally, get away with murder.

Is there a message in your writing you want readers to grasp?
Trust no one.

Do you think writing this book changed your life? How so?
Writing my first book a few years ago gave me confidence. I believe it was an exercise to prepare me for the challenges I would shortly face in my personal life.

What has changed for you personally since you wrote your first book?
I’ve lost three people in my family (my brother, my partner and my mother) since March 2010. My late partner Dan was my biggest supporter. The belief he had in me gives me the strength to keep writing.

What are you working on right now?
This interview! Oh, and a few articles, blog posts, and my perpetual 30+ novels in various stages of incompletion. One particular thing I’m working on was suggested by my late partner’s brother, a Memphis novelist. He thinks I should put together a collection of my short stories.

What is the most difficult part of the whole writing process?
Inspiration. When it’s not there, it can’t be faked. Constipated writing can be unbearable.

What is the easiest part of the writing process?
Inspiration. When it’s there, the words flow like a raging river. If the story is in my head and I’ve been tapped by my muse (and she stays with me), I can write a novel in a week.

Does writing come easy for you?
Short stories are much easier. I can put a short story together within an hour. All of my life I’ve been a “condenser.” I like to pare my words down, whether written or spoken, to the bare minimum. This is a double-edged sword since to write a complete novel I have to expand the story and I detest using useless filler.

false world
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What’s been the most surprising part of being a writer?
The most surprising aspect of being a published writer is the positive feedback I’ve received from readers. Only a few weeks ago, I had a reader ask when the third book in the Joe Daniels’ trilogy would be coming out.

What, in your opinion, are the essential qualities of a good story?
The hook is the essential part of a story; with a good hook, the reader won’t want to put a book down. I try to draw the reader in immediately with a one-two punch.

Have you completed any other books?
I have three completed works that need editing. Editing is so boring that I put it off for as long as I can.

Where can people learn more about your books and/or you?
Find my books at Second Wind Publishing,.

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