Book Giveaways


Book Giveaways

Book Giveaways

Does anyone remember the line Wimpy from the Popeye the Sailor Man cartoons was famous for? “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

When authors give their books away for free, they’re basically turning that phrase around to say something like, “I will gladly give you my book today if you have a friend come back and buy it tomorrow.”

Book Giveaways are not good advertising because they are unlikely to result in sales. In most cases, the person receiving the free book will not take the time to acknowledge receipt or come back and post a review. Heck, who can say if they even read it?

You have just given someone your hard work and everything you have invested in it, including any money spent on editing, graphics, and designers, for nothing. Yet, you haven’t done that yet, have you? You’re looking to get something out of this deal, too.

You don’t expect your friends in the real world to give you a review of their feelings about how much thought and caring they think you put into buying them the sweater you gave them for their birthday or to tell all of their friends to run out and buy the same diaper bag with green ducks all over it you gave them at their baby shower.

Yet, you expect a group of complete strangers to do just that when you give them a copy of your book, and then you’re shocked when it doesn’t work that way? Welcome to the world of a gimme, gimme, gimme.


No, you have not entered into an alternate universe. Gimme World has been here all along, as long as time itself. If you think about it, you’ll remember at least one instance when you were given something, a sample of shampoo through the mail, and were asked for your opinion in return.

I wonder how many people who got that same shampoo sample sat down and wrote anything to the company, despite the money the shampoo company shelled out to get that little, single-use packet into so many hands.

How often have you passed by someone in the grocery store giving away free samples, knowing it’s part of their job to lay a big sales push on you, only to grab one as you zoom right by without stopping?

It’s the same way with free book giveaways. Sure, if your book is say on Amazon and you’re just looking for a quick boost in the rating list giving it away might work out great for you.

But if you’re hoping to gain many new readers, I suggest staying away from this kind of free promotion. Even if you give away hundreds of books, there are no guarantees. What happens when you don’t get the reviews, likes, or other recognition you expected?

How are you going to feel when you look back at the number of books given away and check the following month’s sales only to see one or two new ones? I see it as a lose-lose situation for an author, especially an Indie Author.

  1. Avatar of RMitchell
    RMitchell says

    I couldn’t agree with you more. I never have, nor will I ever give away my books. I know many do this to gain ratings and increase their sales rankings, but for me, it just isn’t the way I want to gain an audience. I’m a firm believer that if your work is good, your audience will follow, and yes, be willing to pay for your efforts.

    Thank you for writing this article, well done.

  2. Avatar of Andrew J. Sacks
    Andrew J. Sacks says

    Fine work, Crystal.

  3. Avatar of Crystal Schall
    Crystal Schall says

    Thank you for reading my thoughts, Gentlemen. I’m glad you enjoyed my article.

  4. Avatar of patty wright
    patty wright says

    I think book giveaways are great for the reader. I have found new authors I like that I wouldn’t find otherwise. My husband got a Clive Cussler book and now has about 15 he has bought. If he hadn’t gotten one he never would have tried the author. I had never read erotica before winning The Summisive . Now that I read one I love it and will buy from the author. I keep a list of new authors I like and take it with me when I go looking for books.

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