The Potentiality Equilibrium

The Potentiality Equilibrium
It is the young infant of potentiality
We carry it in a brown paper bag
It squirms and giggles
And we ply it with toys and a pacifier
Hush, my child, hush, my happiness, hush my misery
If the bag should open, it will crawl out…
And then it will determine if we are happy or miserable
But what if we don’t let the infant out of the bag?
What if we simply claim that it wasn’t a child at all?
It was just a cat, a cat that was already doomed to die!
We can bury it then without looking at the potentiality
We can dig a hole and shove it in there and pretend it was always just a cat!
We didn’t kill the future
We killed a pest, a cat in a bag! Get over it.
It wasn’t the murder of happiness
It was the disposal of misery
The seed in the bag is a relative of Schrödinger
Maybe when we open his box with the cat
A child will spring forth and turn our world upside down
For the better and for the worse
Or maybe, a rat will leap up at our face and tear the flesh off of it
And we will curse the day we let it out
But in the end, it is just a seed of potentiality
The probability of the unknown
As we carry the brown paper bag
Its contents exist in a Heisenberg equilibrium
Cat, child, rat
The seed of happiness
The seed of unhappiness
Misery and bliss, the possibilities are endless
Because ultimately the bag is…
June 18, 2010 – Konrad Tademar
Thought provoking