40 Just Be 40


40 Just Be 40

40 Just Be 40

Okay, about a year ago I discovered three strands of gray in my hair and I was shocked, to say the least. Me with gray hair no way!

Well, eventually I got over the initial shock and moved on. I have come to understand that as long as my hair is not falling out of my head that’s a good thing.

I also know that the gray strands are not going to dissolve in thin air either. Even with a good bottle of Clairol, just as the sun rises and sets day after day, those little wisps of silver will reappear after each tug and pull.

And with that being said I also accept the fact that I am in my 40’s and I’m not getting any younger. Which brings me to ask why can’t 40 just be 40? Lately, I’ve heard that 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40 and so on. I would hope at 60 they have given that up.

Now I want to know what’s really going on. Ten-year-old children are counting the months, days, and hours until their 13th birth date. 13-year-olds dream of turning 16 to get their license. Then 16-year-olds are dying to hit 18 as soon as possible, to move out of their parent’s house only to return. What gives? Why aren’t we ever satisfied?

I have yet to discover the fountain of youth in order to turn back the hands of time. Actually, I prefer to remain in the here and now. I have no problem letting others know that I have hit the big 4-0 and that I am proud of it.

As a matter of fact, I love my 40’s. Personally, I think my 40’s are better than my 20’s and 30’s ever were. In my 20’s I had no clue as to who I was and what I wanted. During my 30’s I began to come into my own. Now at 40, I’ve arrived. I know where I am headed. I’m focused and I know what direction it takes to get there.

We women in our 40’s are poised, classy, and intelligent. We are CEOs, lawyers, teachers, and anything else you can think of. Just name it. We are stay-at-home moms grooming those upcoming CEOs, lawyers, and teachers I mentioned. We, women, are masters at multi-tasking and we have the gift to think five to six steps ahead in order to make things happen.

While enjoying forty and feeling fabulous, nothing is beyond our reach. At this stage in the game, we are going for what we know, simply because we know what we want. We’re returning to school, starting businesses, riding Harley’s, skydiving, and running marathons.

Due to our growing interest in health and wellness and advancements in science and medicine, our quality of life is improving. We are living longer, in turn allowing us to enjoy life to the fullest.

So as I stand and glance at the reflection in my mirror, I smile at the fact that we are as fine as ever and love the skin we’re in.
So for those saying 40 is the new 30 they may be right. 40 just may be the new 30.

  1. Avatar of Ginny Hamlin
    Ginny Hamlin says

    Girl, can we do lunch? I respect your way of thinking and enjoyed how you expressed it. I will hit the big 5-0 this November…and I’m proud of it. 😉

  2. Avatar of Marshall Muskus
    Marshall Muskus says

    Hey, have been looking for opinions of people who know about this, and after hunting through aol, I ended up this article, and it is an informative article. Sad I took this long to get to this blog. Saved you in my bookmarks already. Will come back pretty soon. Keep on writing and follower count will go up.

  3. Avatar of Renee Bancroft
    Renee Bancroft says

    I never thought I would agree with this, but I’m starting to see things differently now.

  4. Avatar of Meyette Darell
    Meyette Darell says

    The day I was 40 is still imprinted in my brain. Such a drama, psychologically. I wish I had read your article then! You seem to cope much better than I….

  5. Avatar of Antonette Ghan
    Antonette Ghan says

    It was a very good read, thanks for sharing you innermost feelings

  6. Avatar of Helaine Warsaw
    Helaine Warsaw says

    Thats wonderful stuff you’ve written up in here. Have been searching for articles on this all over. Great blog

  7. Avatar of Michale Thatcher
    Michale Thatcher says

    This article is very nice. It’s as if it’s about me personally, lol

  8. Avatar of Bridget Tommaso
    Bridget Tommaso says

    Nice piece! I can really relate to what you say, I think most of us women of that age (or about) can.
    BTW, I’ve read more of your stuff, here on Angie’s… all worthwhile.

  9. Avatar of Hamil Mike
    Hamil Mike says

    I found your article via Google thanks for the post. I will bookmark it for future reference.

  10. Avatar of tucsonmike
    tucsonmike says

    This is great. I am 53 and say I am just a big little kid. Thank you for this, I enjoyed turning 50. For me, this is a second childhood. 🙂

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