He pushes a button, she cries.
She pushes back; he walks away.
Sunrise to sunset, dark clouds surround them,
obscuring the light and the truth of their lives.
She whimpers a little, he sighs.
He takes a trip; she trudges along.
Monday to Sunday they hide how they’re feeling,
they go through the motions, cementing their lies.
The kids are her stressors, his toys.
He makes the money; she does the rest.
Year in and year out, each day a prescription,
don’t question, be good – watch everything die.
She’s lost all resilience; he’s absent.
He looks good on the surface; she’s submerged in the muck.
Decade by decade, stop thinking, stop talking.
Resent everyone – see disdain in their eyes.
She’s unable to function, he chuckles.
He treats everyone badly; she’s happy to watch.
From wedding till death, they are pitied and proud.
Grace wasted, love poisoned, dehumanized.
A little sad but common. Relationships are so confusing. We must build each other up not tear down for the sake of filling time. Good work.
Thanks so much. Sometimes it saddens me to watch people I know destroy what they have through inattention or selfishness.