Can you not hear the ticking;
The frantic fingers clicking,
The stagnant seasons sticking,
The riddled rebels licking,
The banking blaggards tricking…..
Can you not hear?
Can you not feel the burning:
The sickened stomachs churning,
The tangled tempers turning,
The faithless fervour learning,
The hollow heartless yearning,,,,,
Can you not feel?
Can you not see the writing:
The moistened matches lighting,
The bitter battles biting,
The lazy legals citing
The crippled churches fighting…..
Can you not see?
Can you not smell the roasting;
The rotten republic coasting,
The tinpot tipsters toasting,
The lying lectures boasting,
The missing masters ghosting……
Can you not smell?
Can you not speak the talking;
The battered billboard chalking,
The wizened wisdom walking,
The nervous neighbour gawking
The heartfelt horror balking……
Can you not speak?
daphnia, chilling and memorable work! Thank you.