A Grown Child


she is happy, cheerful

clothes of bright orange
age on her face – tanned

she worried about space
where she and her daughter
would sit

laying blue towels
advertising the Yankees
on beach chairs at the pool

satisfied her – as she
lifted her daughter’s arms
to cross on her lap

a mother claps – smiles
rewarding herself – a
job well done

watched her walk up
a hill empty handed –
knew her hands soon

would fill with pain and
love – as she wipes a
mouth of a grown

child – who doesn’t
know her name – as
she carries around

a heart of glass as
it breaks into pieces
– of love

but she continues
day after day to care
for her grown child

wipes her mouth –
she wants her to live
as her age shows as

rapid – with each
sunset of her life.

  1. Avatar of paula shene
    paula shene says

    You touched my heart and opened the rivers of my eyes…God bless you

  2. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Paula thank you for your words – life some how isn’t the same from day to day for others – I appreciate you taking your time to read this. Sincerely, Nancy

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Angie's Diary