Renewal or Destruction?
Renewal or Destruction
This three hundred-and-sixty-nine-word reflection was initially named 11:11:11. I see it as a renewal, while others may receive the words as destruction.
Rivulets of steamy sweat cascade ever downward, pooling under arms, breasts, and small dimpled areas while a cool breeze caresses the fevered brow.
I’ve known this moment. I’ve lived this moment. I detest… but welcomely embrace this moment! Over and Over, mankind just cannot, will not, quell its lusts.
Kingdom upon kingdom falls to the sword; rape upon rape until the land runs red and crisply burns black. Technology is touted as new, never knowing those strands lie deeply buried in the forever streams of time.
Slaughter, abuse, disdain for the innocence to be sullied, stripped, discarded. Raise the exchange standard high, squeezing the life blood of the populace, the land, the life giving air; cries for mercy ignored.
Man rejects teaching; intellect says his way is right; no God exists! We are… WE are the gods of all we touch, see, smell, want, corrupt, and slough. I was here for the flood and sank beneath the waves, my body twisted, torn, and consumed, my spirit returning to the Everlasting Peace.
I hungered for and was given another chance, but at the scattering, I was trampled and flattened into the soil. My spirit again rose as the crowd was cleaved by the voice above.
I sat. I looked. I learned. I could try again… but not just yet. I waited. I saw the Glory! I saw it despised, refused. I wept. How evil cloaks the eyes to love. How sad.
My last chance for entry; I take it. I asked for the ending of time… ha! Such a brave but foolish wish to prove I have seen enough to hold onto that unquenchable love. I saw the fiery end when a total of four did not quake. My path set before me, obstacle-laden, twisting my spirit to disbelief.
Arguing… arguing until my spirit understands the way home. Failure is not an option! It is time! All nature is in accord!
Planets aligned; meteor trajectory insured. The caps uncorked, raining bullets of fire.
The core is heated, melting away the shale, soon to reach the crust; waters writhing, spewing upward-reaching steam to collide with incoming missiles swiftly driving a collision path to impact.
God claps; reshaping starts anew.