
Linda Penhall
Linda Penhall left her native home in Ireland for the sunnier climes of South Africa in 1997. Upon arrival in Jo’burg, she did something totally out of character―she bought an Irish Pub and Restaurant. Prior to this, she was involved in the equestrian and airline industry, so becoming a restaurateur was a rather strange experience and one that didn’t last―it just wasn’t her. Two years later, she packed up and moved to the Eastern Cape where she now lives in organized chaos as a full time writer, along with her husband and daughter, two spaniel type dogs, a lovable but loopy ginger cat and of course, her well-used laptop.
The Back Stairs
With my heart racing almost out of control, I was catapulted out of my sleep from a disturbing…
Carving Milestones: A Journey Towards Achievement
Carving Milestones
They say the two most expensive purchases an individual will make in adulthood are a reliable…
The Groundsman
As I deposited the last of the hymnals in their usual resting place at the back of the church (not one of my more…
Interview with Linda Penhall
Interview with Linda Penhall
Women24 chats to South-African-based Irish author Linda Penhall about her book They…
They Never Gave Up
They Never Gave Up
Both Cathy and Pauline continue to leave footprints―raised ones…
Set against a wonderfully…