I Am Many
What is love? Scientists say love is a complex emotion triggered by our brain not so much the heart like the media wants us to believe.
A poet would say, love is like sunshine. It makes us glow with inner warmth. It makes our eyes reflect joy and our hearts beat with enchantment. Every step we take is a stride full of eagerness and adventure. Love is best when served when our realities are better than our dreams. Whatever it is, it is a language we all need to learn.
Even the commercial symbol for the heart is designed as a welcoming buttock with pen in hand. Perhaps, most of us feel wherever love resides, it is a deep and profound sense of spontaneous adoration for another, firstly as attraction and then emotional attachment. Scientists have advised us sometime in the future we may take a pill for our ailing emotions like love-sickness, heartache and loneliness. I’d personally love a pill for grieving after a split-up. But right now, it feels like we love with all our heart; and, we think ourselves into heartache from unrequited love.
I am Many Poem
I am many, but not always the fairest to gaze upon, my smoldering aura embodies the holy, unholy and human form; I confess I’ve opened my exalted head and body to Pablo Picasso, who perceived me in strange and abstract ways, and there were times when I’ve summoned the evilest, known as Satan for a few hot unholy days, then joined Moses and the Greatest Mother of them all, until I tired of their perpetual sermons, on the hills, if I recall, three watery graves called out to me, I offered John, Jr. a Water Lily, as well as his wife, Caroline and her sister, lastly with an urge to breed, I began following John Travolta around, when his quivering wings reminded me of a night spent in the arms of the angel Michael, I offered him a Lilac Blossom. plucked from my own bosom…I laughed and kissed him long and hard, becoming this poem for you.
Another insightful offering by Joyce White. Always a delight to read.
Thanks Curmudgeon, how can I thank you for your encouragement?