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By Donald Harris:
I could tell the novel was either professionally edited or just extremely well written…or both. It started off with the feel of a horror movie, as if I were watching it rather than reading it and he kept that momentum through the entire novel.

I found the employee elements of the novel engaging and fun to follow along. The creature itself was rather interesting. I’m getting a little annoyed of always seeing zombies or vampires, not that I don’t love them, so it was refreshing to see something different.

Just as Stephen King used an unusual creature in IT that would take the shape of a taunting clown, I feel Howard did an incredible job creating a malicious killing machine. And as I read through the novel I found this creature has no problem snacking on whoever it wanted, much to my sadness at times. Let’s just say there are characters I had been rooting for that didn’t get their final lines at the end, but it was well done the way he wrote their deaths.

The ending was dark, but well done. I will definitely be reading the next novel this author publishes.

excerpt-300x50Edition #16 – October 14, 2012


By Kevin J. Howard

“Are you going to help me or not?” Emily Locke stood over the misshapen tent with a set of poles in her hands.

“It’s getting dark, Alex.”
“Keep your panties on.” Alex Boone was getting frustrated; squatting over the pathetic excuse of a flame he’d been working on for over twenty minutes.
“Come on you bastard.” Alex shoved some crumpled paper into the flame, cupping his hands around it, blowing gently in the hopes of feeding the fire.
“I swear to God, this shit never works when I want it to.”

Emily squatted behind Alex, wrapping her arm around his shoulders while casually setting the poles down before him in the dirt. She nibbled on his ear, the one sure way to get his fire roaring. He lifted his head up to the sky and closed his eyes, allowing her full range of his neck.

“You know, this would be a whole lot sweeter in a nice, dry tent.”
“You have a very annoying, yet sexy habit of nagging.” Alex turned and kissed her, enjoying their first camping trip all the more.
“Fine, I’ll put up the damn tent.”
“Did you remember to call your mom and tell her we made it?”
“There’s no reception way the hell out here.”

Emily pulled her cell phone from her pocket and grunted, no bars just as Alex had said. Emily leaned back and allowed him to stand, smacking his ass playfully as he passed with the poles lying across his arms. She looked back at the sad excuse of a flame and inhaled the subtle breeze filled with the strong scent of ash and burning wood.

Their camping spot above Fairy Falls gave them the perfect vantage point to view the massive fire in the distance, consuming millions of acres in Yellowstone. As tragic as it was to see a national treasure burn, she sure as hell wasn’t going to pass up this camping trip. Not when she knew how close Alex was to popping the question; he didn’t know the woods would be on fire when he made the reservations six months ago. No question about it, this was an important trip.

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Kevin J. Howard was born in Mission Viejo, California, moved to Seattle at the age of twenty-one, and now lives in Puyallup.

He hand wrote his first novel in the fifth grade and has been writing ever since. His first published novel, Faithful Shadow, is a return to the classic horror novel.

Since writing Faithful Shadow he has completed four additional horror novels that will soon be published.

In 2012, he won an award in the Las Vegas International Film Festival for his screenplay, Identical Opposites.

Kevin looks to release his next horror novel early 2013.


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