What Is Your Writing Schedule?

What Is Your Writing Schedule
Isaac Asimov

What Is Your Writing Schedule?

I have no routine. When I do write, it’s usually late at night because all is quiet. I don’t set a daily goal — the words come hard for me, so I’m grateful for whatever words I can get on paper.


It’s fantastic that as sporadically and slowly as I write, I’ve still completed four novels and a non-fiction book.

I guess it just shows what one can do by plugging away. Oddly, considering this is the electronic age, I still prefer to write longhand, though I am gradually doing more writing on the computer.

Here are some examples of other author’s writing schedules. The comments are taken from interviews posted at Pat Bertram Introduces . . .

From an interview with Dale Cozort, Author of “Exchange

I usually concentrate on one aspect of writing at a time. If I’m writing, I schedule myself to write a thousand to three thousand words per day, depending on my other obligations. If I’m editing or marketing, that’s usually all I do that day.

A group from a workshop I attended last July pledged to write at least two hundred and fifty words daily every day for thirty days. We kept renewing that through the end of December, and most of us averaged five hundred to a thousand words per day.

Two hundred fifty words is a small enough amount that you can do it in twenty minutes to a half hour, so pledging to do that is a good way to avoid procrastination. At the same time, the mindset for editing and marketing is sufficiently different from the writing mode that I had to work at making the transition.

From an interview with Polly Iyer, Author of “Hooked”

I write all the time. I try for a certain amount of words when I’m writing a new story, but much of writing is rewriting. That’s when I go hoarse reading aloud to see if the dialogue works or if sentences sound strained.

From an interview with T. C. Isbell, Author of “Southern Cross”

Even though I’m retired, I approach writing like a job. Following an established schedule is the key to finishing a project. I start writing at seven in the morning, right after my wife leaves for work and work pretty much through the day. I take short breaks, but other than that I’m either researching or writing.

I try adding at least one thousand words daily to my manuscript. Some days, the juices flow, and I write two thousand words. There are days when I write the same sentence over and over. I stop writing before my wife comes home from work.

From an interview with Malcolm R. Campbell, Author of “Sarabande”

I do everything possible to avoid having a writing schedule, much less a daily word count goal. The story unfolds as it unfolds. I don’t know what will happen next, much less when my characters, my muse, or the universe will fill me in on the next scene or chapter. Sitting down to write at a specific time or forcing out a set number or words each day would ruin the flow.

This sounds like a lazier approach than it is. Whenever I have a novel in progress, I am somewhat obsessed with it. It is always on my mind. I’m much better off when I’m actually writing it than when I’m not.

So, what’s your writing schedule like? Do you strive for a certain amount of words each day?

  1. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    Everybody’s approach is different. Every book is written differently. With some, the words pour out, while with others it is a struggle. Some have straightforward plots, some are complicated. No one ever said that writing was easy… 🙂

    1. Avatar of Pat Bertram
      Pat Bertram says

      Isn’t that the truth! Hey, Jack — when are you going to do an interview for me?

  2. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Great job Pat – I am totally different, and I do believe I make things happen as I see them, as in a picture, movie – I want to hear what I write. Using dragon dictate is almost like having a built in editor. It tells me if someone will like what I am saying, as far as novels. Yes, I have three which need to be finished, and that’s my off line work as of now. One thing I have to say, I am writing for a local couple, but I had to learn their life inside out. And, during one interview I said, (after a year) I have it, it’s ready now. I heard the story which would open the book. I can’t wait to share it. Although a ghost writer, it will state as told to …… and written by …. as requested. Keep up the great work Pat. Sincerely, Nancy

  3. Avatar of MFBurbaugh
    MFBurbaugh says

    I wrote my latest book, ‘The Bounty Hunter’ in a little over three days. Almost without sleep. It was supposed to be a 2000 word short for fun but the words refused to quit coming.

    I write when it hits me to write. Many times at one or two in the morning I’ll start with no set end.

    Sometimes I plot it out a little but many of mine are more liner, I start writing and can’t wait to see how it turns out myself.

  4. Avatar of ColeN
    ColeN says

    Wish I could write all the time. All the writing is there – in my head, waiting to find a time and will to be written

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