Travel with your Dream Body


Travel with your Dream Body

Learn to dream consciously
Conscious dreaming gives you a great feeling. If you dream consciously (dreaming while being aware that you are dreaming), you have control over events. Or at least the realization that you can control the situation.

There will be a day that you can instruct yourself to dream about something; to fly like a bird or to meet a deceased loved one.

Travel with your Dream BodyWhy would you want to learn more about conscious dreaming? Well, the purpose of man is to master conscious dreaming. One becomes the dreamer and the dream, to be a living dream weaver that experiences one’s own dream.

Learning to dream consciously really starts with attentiveness, being aware of your surroundings and your actions in daily life. And by writing down your dreams and leaving no detail behind it becomes clearer what has happened in the dream and that gives you an overall awareness. If you are aware of this reality and consciously deal with your dreams, you will find out that your dreams develop and that you become conscious in your dreams.

In this article, I describe techniques by which you can achieve conscious dreaming in about 4 weeks. (You can read about these techniques more extensively in my book The Sorcerer’s Dream, about my initiation into the sorcerer’s world). With the techniques described below, you build so much energy to develop a dream body by which you can travel outside known reality to the boundless second reality of dreaming and creativity. And it finally takes you to totality where will you discover and be aware that you are creating your own reality.

Finding the dream stone

With the following exercise, you learn conscious dreaming and develop a dream body.

Take any kind of stone and study it in detail, you need to know it inside out, every line, every dent, every outline. Visualize the stone between your inner eye – the place between your eyebrows. You have to know every spot, dent, or drawing from the inside and from the outside. Practice as long as it takes to get it in your mind and aim at finding the stone in dreaming within the next ten days.

And then you start counting down the days until you find it. When you don’t find it within that time then you start all over again, until you get it right.

Before going to sleep you look at the stone in detail and place it somewhere near, close your eyes and visualize the stone on the inside of your inner eye, between your eyebrows.

Then it is important to become conscious of the moment right before you fall asleep. At that specific moment, you visualize the stone immediately inside your inner eye and you will find out that you get dream flashes which you can fixate or stop as an exercise in order to start mastering your dreams.

It’s actually enough to have the intention to be conscious and that you will stop your dreaming before falling asleep. Attempt it. Aim to wake up consciously every morning and let your inner eye visualize the stone. Pick up the stone and move it closer from an arm’s length to the tip of your nose as if the stone is coming towards you. And do not forget to repeat to yourself that you will find the stone.

The bridge between reality and dreaming

Put attention at the top of your list. Make a habit of observing your surroundings in detail and try to do acts which are usually done by the automatic pilot, as conscious as possible, and imagine you are dreaming. Of the daily – even the simplest acts that you usually do without thinking – you need to be conscious.

Before going to sleep rewind all the images of the previous day from the evening back to the morning. You gradually notice that these exercises have an effect on your dreaming because as a result you literally have a retrospective view of those daytime images in dreams. Not long after, even in dreaming, you will observe every little detail in your surroundings thoroughly.

Your dream body has to be at its full capacity to travel to the boundless second reality of dreaming and creation. You are developing your dream body by bringing experiences, objects or specific acts or movements conscious from dreaming into reality and vice versa.

For example: If you see or find a shell in your dream then you harden your dream body by taking a similar shell with you and putting it in a special place in your home where you collect these dream items. With that, you make a bridge between reality and dreams.

Be impeccable both in everyday reality and in dreaming. This trains your attention which has to be perfect. Through attention, you shall build on your intent because with that you travel into the boundless unknown.

Six steps to conscious dreaming

• Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up (even if it’s in the middle of the night), how meaningless they may seem, appreciate what you receive.

• If you wake up while you are dreaming, review the events of your dream, as often as you can, you will learn to remember your dream the next morning and train your attention.

• Develop your dream body with the dream stone technique (Read: Finding the dream stone) and aim at finding the stone in dreaming.

• Be aware of your surroundings and your actions in daily life. Make a habit of observing your surroundings in detail and try to do acts – which are usually done by the automatic pilot – as conscious as possible and imagine you are dreaming.

• You are developing your dream body by bringing experiences, objects or specific acts or movements, from dreaming into the reality and vice versa (Read: The bridge between reality and dreaming)

• Before going to sleep review the events of your day from the evening back to the morning.

Good luck! May your dreams come true.

1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Elenora Curington
    Elenora Curington says

    Wow, this is a very good story, thank you.

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