To Kindle or Not to Kindle
To Kindle or Not to Kindle
How many times over the years have you, like me, lent one of your precious books from your personal library to a friend or colleague, never to see it again? If you are a book lover, you feel violated, let down, and downright annoyed that the book you sought out from the many displayed on your local bookshop’s shelves, has vanished forever.
But a book, especially a paperback edition, is merely a thing and therefore not important – correct? Wrong! Someone took a great deal of time and energy creating that precious manuscript for your reading pleasure. Plus, a book – all books, was never ever designed to be read and then disposed of. Nor were they ever meant to be treated roughly by having their spines broken, a practice I abhor.
Just look at the sad sight of misused and abused books available in the plethora of second-hand bookshops, the graveyard for terminally ill books, within your own nation. Many have torn pages. Many have terrible wounds inflicted on them by unthinking people who have bent them backward, or folded the top corner of a page instead of inserting some form of a bookmark to mark their place within the novel’s pages.
Well, all those disgusting and downright unthinking practices can now end forever. No longer will you need to replace your lost copy to fill the gap in your bookshelf. No longer will your precious books be subjected to the unthinking and callous misuse by the moronic sector of the world of readers.
I give you the answer to all of the above – Kindle and its sister version of the EBook reader, Nook. Amazon brought out Kindle and Nook is the product of Barnes & Noble. There are others out there, far too many to mention.
Here I make the case for Kindle as an excellent example of the way books can now be purchased and read. Progressive booksellers like Amazon now offer the reader two ways of buying that ‘must have’ book. You can either order your physical copy, whether it is hardcover or paperback, then within a few weeks it will arrive through your letterbox, or you can do what I do.
Either buy yourself a Kindle Reader or as I have, simply download the totally free version of Kindle for PC. Next, all you have to do is find the Kindle version of that ‘must have’ book, and with one click, within the space of one minute, you have the book sitting in front of you on your Kindle Reader or your Kindle for PC programme. No lengthy lead times, no “Currently this book is out of stock”, and best of all, your precious book is out of reach of those serial book abusers for all time!
Try it; I guarantee you that you will not regret it…
I totally agree, that’s why my books never leave my house. If someone wants to read it, I prefer to buy it for him/her!
I really don’t mind. When I read a book I like very much, I immediately give it to someone I know will appreciate it, lol.
You cant smell the ink on kindle
Like it or not Ivor, Kindle, Nook and all of the other ebook readers are the way of the future. With the busy lives people lead these days, finding the time to sit down and read is sadly becoming more and more a thing of the past.
Thank you Jack. I feel in my heart you are right. Kindle and Nook will be our book’s saviors, should in the future they
begin burning books again. No book pleases everybody but neither do we. We must be built day-by-day. I’d rather
be built by layers of books than stone. To be sure stone is stronger but oh, so cold. And, books are weaved into our hearts and souls. Oh, so warm. We can forget a stone but it is books that grow us individually and collectively.