Positives Needed


Positives Needed

I’m talking about “The realities of promoting and marketing your novel once it is published.”

And I’m looking for positives so I don’t leave my audience crying over their dying dreams.

Positives Needed

The reality is that it is hard work, takes a lot of time, and costs money.

Add to that the scammers you’ve got to avoid, the sales pitches disguised as advice you have to ignore, and the reality that J.K. Rowling’s success was the equivalent of winning the lottery.

And not everyone can go on Amazon and make a fortune, and it’s a pretty disillusioning story.

It would have been great if someone had studied different self-help promotional and marketing techniques to determine which were most effective.

Some information is available for non-fiction but with traditionally published books with big marketing budgets.

I’ve heard anecdotally that some techniques are better than others, but I want to see the numbers.

If anyone knows of such a survey or can offer insights based on their own experience, I’d love to hear about it to leave my audience with some hope of selling at least some books to more than their friends and family.

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