Personality Profile of Copywriters

Strategy Development over the Years

Personality Profile of Copywriters
The New York Times newsroom at the time of the sinking of the Titanic. (Credit: The New York Times Photo Archives)

Personality Profile of Copywriters

Since 2008, we’ve seen quite a few contributions, submissions, blog posts, et cetera. We like to call it copy. Written content in publications, in contrast to photographs or other elements of the layout.

So I will humbly address those awesomely talented copywriters among you, who are actively contributing to Angie’s regularly, and those of you that plan to do so presently.

Submissions & Contributions

I know that, in all likelihood, you are first and foremost a novelist, a poet, an essayist, a reviewer, a blogger, a struggling, aspiring writer, or perhaps even one of our many contributing bestselling authors.

In the final analysis, we, as a magazine in all its components and manifestations, use humans to process the material submitted by you copywriters on a daily basis.


At times, we receive copy of such rare quality, that we don’t mind taking the occasional typo, or lack of punctuation, for granted. Making our editing the very reason for our being, when we give this particular text the final touch, in awe of its magnificence.

Text Dumping

But more often than not, a contributor isn’t steadfast nor consistent. Her next post could be riddled with typos. Her contextual arguments suddenly do not seem to make any sense.

The format in which she dumped her text is sprinkled with unnecessary codes, lack of line-breaks, paragraphs, commas, or semicolons. Sometimes even written integrally in CAPITALS, oblivious to punctuation, contextual spelling, style, or sentence structure. In short: an editor’s nightmare.

Gifted Storytellers

Should we, in the knowledge that this person sporadically delivers top-quality copy, and is undoubtedly a talented storyteller, straighten our backs and accept the one or two hours extra work needed to get this piece published? At least, in the manner with which we, as a magazine, can still identify? Of course, we have the advantage of developing our strategy over the years. But what does this tell us about the copywriter herself?

Dull Content

At times, we receive painstakingly edited copy that has no spelling or grammar issues but is either in poor taste or worse, downright boring. Other times we proofread text from authors in a book promotion frenzy, trying to get away with adding twenty links in a poorly written, twenty words ‘book review.’

And then, all of a sudden, a gem falls into our lap that makes all our endeavors worthwhile. We’re happy again.

Your Work – Your Copy – Your Personality Profile

Remember, this is your work. Your copy. And the text that carries not only your signature but the format in which you submit it, potentially exposes your psychological profile, your soul if you like. All in all, it gives us a pretty good idea of who you are.

…At least, that’s my theory.

  1. Avatar of Judy Markova
    Judy Markova says

    I’m appreciative of you lifting the veil of what your team must be going through on a daily basis, my gosh…

  2. Avatar of Andy Bachman
    Andy Bachman says

    I’ll make sure my next submission will be the best I can muster 🙂

  3. Avatar of Branka Cubrilo
    Branka Cubrilo says

    Good article Bart! Your work is important and thorough. I think I can absolutely find similarities between this article and the one I have written last week – Quality vs. Quantity. Yeah, be selective but helpful, that’s a good formula.

  4. Avatar of Bart
    Bart says

    As a reply to my proverbial shot from the hip, this is certainly a swift, amazing, and totally unexpected array of comments, perfectly in sync, in obvious agreement to brighten my day!

    Thank you all for reading, and even more for commenting.

  5. Avatar of Madi Preda
    Madi Preda says

    I hope that I’m not one of the nightmares 🙂

  6. Avatar of Kristin Fouquet
    Kristin Fouquet says

    Thank you for the insight into your world here. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with accepting an article on the condition the writer edits it for obvious typos, etc…

  7. Avatar of Eva Blaskovic
    Eva Blaskovic says

    “Text that carries not only your signature, but the way you submit it potentially exposes your psychological profile, your soul, if you like… All in all, it gives us a pretty good idea of who you are.” – Agreed.

  8. Avatar of Joyce White
    Joyce White says

    Thank you all for your work on our behalf. I try to do my best. I always thank you and Angie for your partnership. Pictures that go along with our stories sometimes carries our stories a long way. I think that must be a talent in itself. At my age, I’m having a little trouble with directions, but I hope I’m not one of those nightmares.

    1. Avatar of Angelica Pastorelli
      Angelica Pastorelli says

      On the contrary, dear Joyce,
      You are one of our dreams come true 🙂

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