My Circle of Friends


My Circle of Friends

With the exception of a handful of personal friends who I’ve known for years, most of my current circles of friends on the internet are all writers.

My Circle of Friends

What’s wrong with that, I hear you cry? The short answer from a book sales point of view is – simply everything.

Put yourself in my shoes and think about it for a moment. You write books. Therefore you need to gain a loyal band of readers, who want to read every word you write – correct?

If your circle of friends is exclusively made up of fellow writers, how in hades do you expect to gain that readership?

As a group, we writers constantly moan and groan about our sales figures or lack of them to each other, along with complaining that our works, with a few exceptions, remain buried among the thousands of others currently available, largely unread.

It strikes me that unless we change our ways, our works will remain hidden from view.

Perhaps we need to organise ourselves into a collective of some sort, to advertise the products of all our hard work. Somehow or other, we have to stop what we’re currently doing, and concentrate on making friends on the internet who are not writers – but how?

Like all other groups of people with a common interest, or in our case, a vocation, we tend to seek each other out. We feel comfortable with our own kind. If anyone out there, preferably not a fellow writer, has a brilliant suggestion, please, please make it here.

One final word – no rude suggestions if you don’t mind!

  1. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    Since writing this, several interesting writers groups have been added to Facebook along with a group which shows what books are currently free on Kindle. 🙂

  2. Avatar of Alan Place
    Alan Place says

    My blog is open to publicise friends books. If you look at the bookcase at the top, most of them are from friends. I have one or two of mine there as well but that will change as I need more room for friends.:)

  3. Avatar of Rick Carufel
    Rick Carufel says

    Does that mean I have to unfriend you on Facebook? 🙁

  4. Avatar of Paula Shene
    Paula Shene says

    Well guys – I bought each of your books – so some of us authors read too.hahahaaha chin up – you will have your followers…p;]

  5. Avatar of Enes debono
    Enes debono says

    I would like to buy this circle of friends how do I go about this?

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