“When? Where? Why?” is a book released in December 2017. 100 years ago, World War I and other wars or conflicts were fought to present time. More Benghazi, Terrorist Update, emails, 2016 election and the former president Barack Obama of eight years were documented.
The majority of books and documentaries concentrate on small isolated historical events. Important yes… informative… yes… entertaining… usually; however, they are just small pieces of the big puzzle we refer to as history.
Captain Brittingham’s When? Where? Why? is one of those rare books that takes a step back, looks at the major pieces of the puzzle and then pulls them together to show the big picture.
~ Ken Sewell
author of “All Hands Down”
“When? Where? Why” is right in line with countries’ woes and a very sad commentary on what our great nation has become as the future appears darker than ever.
Several years ago I wrote a novel, based on many journalistic encounters I endured when talking with politicians, titled “Anything But The Truth”.
The story points out the fact that when a politician, at any level of government, is asked, “what color is the sky”, rather than sky it’s blue, they will tell you how many different shades of blue one can get by manipulating a color wheel.
When? Where? Why? shines an even greater spotlight on the manipulation of facts as used by politicians throughout the twentieth century and continues into the twenty-first.
~ Art Giberson
Gulf Coast Author
“When? Where? Why?” presents Edward Brittingham’s look at the growth of political correctness over the past decades and focuses on the unclouded reality of events during the last 8 years under President Obama.
~ Captain R.W. Michaux, USN (Ret)
Edition #90 February 4, 2018
A History of the Wars and Conflicts We Have Fought
By Edward M. Brittingham
This is the seventh book pertaining to life’s worries and problems we must face. By turning back the clock one hundred years, we start with World War I.
World War I dictated the world anticipating a savage fight not knowing what the other side believed. Fighting in a trench a few hundred meters from the enemy used a different warfare that you and other people can’t seem to recognize.
World War II, “A GREAT WAR,” was even more intense but yet a new set of tactics and the invention of kamikaze warfare were detrimental to our carriers. Pearl Harbor, the Japan surprise attack, Germany suicide attacks, and rounding out with peace accords in 1945.
With the unrest caused by Russia, the Cold War began with many planes flying goods to West Berlin. This beginning in 1950’s also started the Oceanographic installations began cropping up along both east and west coasts of the United States. Soon many sites were instrumented Canada, Iceland, and in the United Kingdom as well on the Pacific side of the west coast.
A vast acknowledgment of this series of stations was the patrol squadrons answer to the Soviet submarine threat.
The Korean War started on June 25, 1950, with over 75,000 came across the North Korean 38 parallel into South Korea. The battle was entered when American allies fought against the forces of international communism. General Douglas MacArthur was relieved or fired by President Truman.
The Vietnam War was a deception in disguise! Both the North and South were guilty at face value, and the U.S. President had its head up and locked! The B-52 with their “Agent Orange” attack, the Ho Chi Min Trail, and deliberate attacks by North Vietnam was the crypt of the whole engagement.
Thus Terrorism began to flourish in Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon these countries caused must bloodshed! Desert Storm caused another blowup and arose the “weapons of mass destruction” sponsored by Saddam which caused a great deal of confusion. This, plus events related to terrorism, came the religion of Islam which has spread to nine countries.
ISIS which was born by Syria looked like a “Junior Varsity Team,” quoted by our President Obama. This spread to Iraq and was taking over the country in 2009. This even violated U. S. sanctions because Syria, which has chemical weapons that had been transported from Iraq commonly called “weapons of mass destruction!”
A turning point in this piece was a review of Benghazi which still opened eyes. Hillary Clinton and her actions prevailed in the hearing both in the revue conducted by Representative Trey Gowdy and in meetings with on-hand personnel in the attack in the Central Intelligence Agency in Benghazi.
The next part of my writings spent thousands of numerous emails which Hillary Clinton started while she was head of The State Department. Her aide or secretary was Huma Abedin which participated in the sticky, classified documents, and received numbers of emails from various Muslim contacts.
Follow the running and presidential vying of Clinton and Trump. This characterized the many lies of the Democratic Party, and Trump wore out his 757 airplane! The next chapter was a collection of all three players including President Barack Hussein Obama. Various items are enunciated which gave credence and visibility to all.
The final chapter gives President Obama his parting shot as president. He stumbled through eight years without adding socially, politically, and economical to the potentially strong United States of America. His term in office has been paying off Iran for a hostage and more than 221 million dollars which the State Department put on hold.
There are several items such as, (1) Ten Action Items that bothered the president, (2) The Keystone XL Pipeline, (3) The Iranian Nuclear Incident, and (4) The Israel/Palestine United Nations Statement. The United Nations had backed the U.S. position and was an insult to Israel!
After eight years of disguising the United States of America, the summation of facts makes him a disgrace to this highest office. His record will go down as born not within the USA, but has through many aides, including money, and yet has escaped eight years without judicial power is vested. Funny but sad are those who know and yet keep their lips closed!
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I was born in Dover, Delaware in 1937, and finished my elementary education and high school by graduating from Fairfax High School in 1955. I completed four years, received a diploma from the University of Virginia in 1959, and majored in geology. I attended George Washington University for a master’s degree but was stopped by a draft notice.
I raised my hand in May 1962 to join the Navy. After sixteen weeks of training, I become as Ensign in the Navy. Orders sent me to an eight-week syllabus which includes aircraft flying, intelligence training, and code/signal recognition. I received orders to navigation school in Corpus Christi, Texas. After three months of training, I received my Navy Flight Officer wings. After tactics training and the system of the tactical coordinator in Norfolk, VA, I went to fly the P-2V aircraft. After four months of training, I was assigned to VP-10.Deployment to Sigonella, Sicily I was a navigator in crew two. We did surveillance in the Mediterranean Sea rigging ships and an occasional Soviet submarine. In April 1964 we landed back in Naval Air Station Brunswick, Maine. I passed the test and became a tactical coordinator and was assigned to the Executive Officers crew. I excelled in the Mine Exercise, Springboard ASW Exercise, and achieved a task during deployment on a U.S. nuclear submarine.
My next assignment was to VP-30, which was a training squadron. In 1969 I led six naval flight officers to beautiful Burbank, CA. to learn the P-3C. C stands for computer and formed the Tactical Support Center where brief/debriefs are held. I got orders to grade the aircrews in the ASW Exercises. This plus the Mobile Operation Van, and the van’s technical representative instructed me how and where this system works. Another VP-49 needed me, so I went to Keflavik, Island on deployment.
In 1972 -75 I was assigned to Commander Fleet Air Wings Atlantic where my job was to thank care of the Admiral! I was involved in the Fleet Air Training Manual, numerous tactical manuals, and numerous manpower studies. My orders arrived – Naples, Italy.
CTF 67 was where I worked – 7 days a week. I was operations officer in charge of two deployed patrol squadrons. Eleven months later, I was selected for command, VP-11. This Command brought many accolades and honors to this command; sailor’s reenlisted, two successful deployments, many Soviet subs detected, and winning the COMSIXFEET Hook”em Award.
National War College was my next assignment followed by the Pentagon. I became the pushing of SURTASS “Surveillance Towed Array Sensor” to 12 vessels in 1980. I became the speaker of ASW before 32 admirals of the navy. April 25, 1985, I suffered a severe stroke which ended 23½ years of active service.
In 1995, I had a dream about Soviet subs. That’s when I started writing and produced “Sub Chaser” – the true story of my life. My second piece was “Operation Poppy,” which would be the opposite of the P-3 and the U.S. nuclear sub. This was chapter after chapter describing events that were happening.
In 2005, I caught a glimpse of Iran through SURTASS. This was an interesting novel which led to a different scenario. The Virginia Tech murder of 33 victims caused me to reveal the way to “Terrorism in the U.S.” In 2008 an alien from out of the country was going to launch a nuclear power plant in Virginia!
2011 brought “Hard Facts” I capitalized on four items: Yemen; Venezuela; Mexico versus U. S.; and brought Central Intelligent Agency (CIA) to view what has been occurring in that country.
Beyond O’ Dark 30 was released in 2014. It was a true story about the things that were built on prevarication or outright lies! All of the day’s happenings such as Benghazi and other problems are addressed.