Mary Magdalene: Impressions of a Spiritual Kind
My first reaction when I downloaded Mary Magdalene by Johanna Caroll (published by Christine Anderson) was to give a sigh of relief that I could breeze through the text of the book, when I saw it was only 36 pages.
I settled in and open the first page then blinked. I was startled at my first experience of reading somebody talking to me through layers. No strike that, I had experienced that when I wrote my second novel Numen Yeye.
My eyebrows were raised when the first pages seemed to be questions from a Western outlook. I excused my disappointment as I realized that I must have missed the first two books that Johanna Carroll was referring to. I am African, Nigerian, and specifically from that part of the country where being a woman had both its limitations and strengths. I am a Yoruba woman.
As I grew up, I quickly learnt what it means being a woman and the first things were the limitations. So I tended to be impatient with the first few questions, which had very little to do with my world concept, until we got to a few questions and Mary started talking about womanhood, now she got my full attention and happily held it to the end. The beauty of Johanna Carroll’s writing was she handed over the story to Mary Magdalene and stayed severely in the background to the very end.
Mary Magdalene has caught the attention of every spirit striving woman through the ages. I always asked this question when I was young. How could love be a sin? What annoyed the writers of the Holy Book so much that they defiled her so unremittingly?
Mary of Magda sums it all up for me this way: That I loved a man so powerful and yet maintained my own identity even in the face of no acceptance. That was the most desperate love you could hand over and the toughest role that you could be asked to fill in.
She remained a beacon for women the world over who have faced such tough choices by a male dominated society. We still raise our brows at the sound or mention of her name and have a smirk, a self- complacent smile, and I always wondered that even fellow women have not done any better in giving such a painful part to Mary of Magda.
I guess the seeking soul can only find the answers within. Like Mary says, ‘Your role as a soul is to remember.’
Further on she urges, ‘Honor your intuition, it is the voice of your soul.’
The only offence Mary of Magda ever committed was she loved a powerful, great man whose divinity was clear, we also denied Him to right to love one personally for Himself and punished Mary to the forgotten pages of historical slumber. I would be happy to have Mary answer these questions. Some of them will be regular, and some will be as intuition guides me.
Why should women be interested in politics at all, they are the guardians of the spirit of the Earth?
Women are earthbound souls who chose to live a human experience. It is the systems of the Earth that often dictate destiny. Politics is part of a larger world system that should not be ignored. Unfortunately, our voice as women is often small and unheard yet we should not ignore what is laid before us in the rules of any system. Wisdom is an innate gift women birth at various moments in their evolution. They feel truth in the heart of their soul and find it a challenge to put words into motion of their divine truths. Political history has silenced many voices through their archaic systems.
The women of the earth as in all cultures and systems must never forget that the voice of a small kitten can turn into the roar of a lioness. In this age, the lioness comes out of her cage and joins others. This is not only heard but seen as a force that can change political opinions and hence consciousness. It is a cause worth the effort.
Woman carries the finer energies because she is expected to serve as the transition of the realms along the path of spirituality even unto divinity, how can she achieve that in today’s world of crass materiality?
Women were birthed into the Divine Feminine energy to remind the world of all that is receptive, emotional and in movement. The evolved feminine soul has realization that she is a magnet of light who holds the beam of direction to understanding the material world that serves the higher aspect of all souls. She realizes the blessings along the journey in the material world without being manipulated or held back. She is unattached to this aspect of life and understands the desires of the soul and the needs of the physical world.
Why does the Christian books find the concept of marital love anathema in relation to Yeshua who is the love incarnate of the Almighty father?
Because the books of history did not know his true Holy Heart or intention. They created a story for social consumption to fit their own needs. It is a sadness that lies heavily to see this lack of wisdom. We reach many whose hearts are open. How can anyone ever describe the light and love of the divine if their minds are closed?
How can love be a sin? And how did you cope with the ridicule and suspicion through the ages?
Love is the purest state of connection with the divine that exists. It is a gift to live in this state of being. The sin is the misconception that when this gift of love is shared in the state of divine intention with another it has no divine purpose.
I came to the Earth with a divine mission and still continue to be a messenger. While in the body, I often felt my soul sad and my heart shattered for the labels. I parted the veils in my mind and touched the sweetness of love in my memory. This is all that matters even now as we watch the world twist and turn.
When you feel divine love, you are held in the cup of the universe, and know from within what bliss can be.. how can a woman of today make that possible in the home?
Your home is a temple that is sacred. It carries energy and intention. Create a sacred place in your home where you disconnect from the world and enter into the spirit of peace and love. Sacred space contains bliss naturally when created from love. Make a commitment on a regular basis to experience this space and continue to breathe in love and breathe out fear. Feel the divine even in the simple things. It must become a habit.
I learned that Marriage can be likened to two streams flowing together in the same direction; each feeds the other but retains their individuality like you did in Yeshua and you joining, can we learn how to do in the face of the customs and practices of the society today?
If your customs are rigid then work within the customs and create your own unique identity. This must be discussed. We see much of this today; the desire to be free and dance in your own light. Do you know how to use energy to your advantage and bend the light inward? The paradigms shift with the ages. Allow divine timing to catch up for this should not ever be an internal struggle.
In the past, in Chinese and Greek stories, the kingdom of women and Lesbo became extinct. First because men invaded lesbo, and once noble ideals were manipulated; the story was thereafter distorted and made sordid. In the case of China, the kingdom of women was finally conquered and contained. Now you predict that when the five nations allow the voice of the feminine spirituality to be heard, there might be a change for the better. Could you explain further?
I tell you dear one something you already know about this history. The threat of power misunderstood caused this. The sacredness of these women and their choices was violated with soul ignorance. As the rights of humanity, including male and female, are recognized as a choice of soul development for the benefit of wholeness only then will society be open and release ignorance, judgments and fear from something they do not understand.
A universal global voice must be heard that is cohesive in nature, and that will only occur when male and female disconnect from the rage of the warring heart and enter into the flow of the harmony of the human spirit. As long as war exists you are in duality and polarity of opposition. There is a large wave of awareness and acceptance that is emerging yet a large portion of the Earth is still dark. It will take time and as you see leadership shift, the work will begin for more tolerance. It is a long journey with some stumbles for the spiritual activist. The women of today are preparing their children for this. It warms us.
This question is for Johanna Carroll. When you became a full-fledged psychic, what was your experience like?
Two things show up for me with this question:
My first official reading was with a woman named Jan who called me one night. She was going through a divorce and was about to lose her adopted child to her then ‘husband.’ She had heard about me through a man I was dating who told her I was gifted as I had given him some psychic information. I did not know he was sharing that info with anyone. I told her I did not do this kind of work and her response was, ‘well you do now!’ She told me when she would call, how long we would talk, and how much she was going to pay me. I agreed.
During the reading, I was guided to tell her she was married to a bigamist, and he had no legal rights to their adopted child. I guided her to go back to her attorney (and hopefully she was open to this reading information) and hire a detective. She did do that, and they found out he had another legal wife and no rights to this child as they were not legally married! The attorney was open to psychic readings and then she started calling relative to the case and personal issues. During the court case the reading was entered as evidence as I am in the family law court records in San Diego, County, which is pretty cool. She then gave my name to others and my referral system began. It was all word of mouth.
As a result of that show, the three of us were asked to be on a TV show called The Other Side in LA. The host was very clear that I was NOT to use the word psychic so I said, ‘ok no problem I will use intuitive.’ The show begins he comes over to me and says, ‘so are you a psychic?” and I said, ‘yes’!
I had just started doing my psychic readings, and a client invited me to a party with some of her friends. She walked me over to an elderly man and said, ‘this is my psychic.’ He thought she said ‘sidekick’ and started to laugh. I gulped down and said, ‘no I am her spiritual psychic.’ Everyone in the room gave me a funny look and turned away. This was my first public coming out party to the world as a psychic so I felt terrible. I went outside on a patio all alone and then after a bit, one by one each person came out to chat with me. They were loving and accepting and asked for my cards. I was not there to entertain them and I left feeling very loved and appreciated.
How can one separate a true psychic from a darn good psychologist or charlatan?
Get a referral and check their credentials. Ask them about their training and psychic development. A gifted psychic has refined their gift. They are loving compassionate and genuinely kind. If they are professional and valid in this day and age, there should be information about them on the internet. We are spiritual guides who MUST come from love and wholeness. If anyone starts to creep you out or instill fear in you, STOP THE SESSION AND DO NOT PAY THEM. You are paying for their time. They gift you the door to wisdom but their ego is not there. If it doesn’t feel right, speak up and leave. You should always leave a spiritual session of any kind feeling lifted up, confident and with a greater sense of direction. The decision is up to you to apply the Law of Action. Any psychic who tells you have to come back again and again is not trustworthy. Do your homework and trust your intuition.
This final question is for Mary of Magda: In the face of the fact that the world has lost its innocence and can no longer turn willingly to spiritual contemplation, has changed the signposts and women are no longer true guardians of purity, what do you suggest should be the way forward now for women?
Women must reclaim their divine feminine rights as keepers of light and guardians of the Earth that needs healing. You must start first on a journey of self-discovery, not over analyzing to find self-love. Only then will you be a beacon of light towards the inner world of light and love. This has nothing to do with anyone else other than YOU.
I recently wrote a book called The Lost Art of Loving that is all about that journey of knowledge. I have been told it is like a mini spiritual seminar for women. A return to innocence is available; we merely have to discover it once again. The mind remembers everything to take you there. Our journey as women reminds me of the inscription written over many of the ancient temples and what I saw in France while doing Mary Magdalene retreats: ‘Know Thyself.’ It has to start with that before you can hold the light for others to follow.