First Night


First Night

First Night

Hello…..Don’t be alarmed, I am a form of consciousness and it is normal for me to be speaking to you today. For one night only I will tell you about the major points of life that is to unfold before you. Oh, and congratulations on getting through birth. It can be difficult.

Anyway well, I should get on with proceedings.

I’m going to tell you about your life, first, you should know, you know this already but those people sleeping in the room with you are your parents, the long-haired one is mother and the short is father,

The mother has a soft demeanour and will love you no matter what, she will continue to be very affectionate throughout your childhood, there will always be a strong connection with her.

The father is much more complicated, you see he didn’t want you…Don’t worry, he will care for you, he already cares for you it’s just it was not expected at his time of life.

He wanted to grow up, become boring and mature before your rearing, but you came at an unexpected time. He will worry about you much as you grow towards adulthood, he will scrabble around for money for you, and watch as your mother and you become close, at times you will compete with each other for your mother’s attention.

Although you have come to exist in a time where parental lines blur a lot, your parents, (mother) wants your family to be traditional, this suits her and you more than your father. Do not blame him as much as you will be tempted to.

When you are eighteen you will enter the workplace. You will photocopy documents until you are made a clerk and then administration manager. You will be disappointed. You will believe you could have done better. You could have.

You should have gone travelling with the kids from school, you should have bought a car the first chance you got, you should have stayed in school, studied something for the enjoyment of it and had university experience then done odd jobs until you figured out what you really wanted to do.

You won’t do that. You should know that when you get up in the morning, get washed squeeze onto the train and walk into the office cubical it is still not the end you could walk out any day and do anything you want to.

But you won’t. You will work their for eleven years. You will see this as an achievement as most people only manage five years in the same job at the same company by the time you grow up.

When you are thirty, I will activate. You will be unaware of it but I will be there in your waking hours also.

As you are male you will be unaware but I will be trying to find you a mate. You must have children in the next ten years otherwise your chances will decrease by at least fifty percent. You will not notice but your one-night stands will increase along with your short-term relationships for the first two years of your thirties. Your resistance to long-term, serious relationships will also fall during this period.

You find a woman at work, she has a stable character, not dominating but fascinating, like your fantasies, not exceptionally interesting, exceptionally beautiful and a genius who has the best life experiences, to share as anecdotes, and examples of your life together in the future. As your romantic fantasies would have liked. But a normal woman much like you are a normal average man.

You will move in together get married and have children. You need to make money much as your father did, though your wife is helping you financially you still feel alienated and replace feelings of security with buy your children and wife gifts, the material gifts for your wife because you don’t love her, material gifts for your children because you can’t spend enough time with them to know them.

Overall you are a good parent, when the children leave home and you both retire, your wife divorces you, which is a relief to both of you, she comes into her own, starts to travel and meets the love of her life.

You stay here. It’s a quiet life for you, you do enjoy that you can have a slower life, no one telling you to clean the house, nagging you about travelling, and doing overtime for the extension or new kitchen or new bathroom floor.

You can eat whatever you want whenever you want. But in a way you miss the silent company, the presence of someone else in the house, someone lying awake bedside you at night, someone sitting beside you on the sofa whilst you watch the T.V.

You suck it up, for around sixteen years, until you are what is called elderly.

After a while the world seems bewildering, it moves so fast outside the house, the cars, the people, information, it becomes complicated to do anything. You fall into old age, not that everybody falls into old age. Some elderly enjoy robust lives, but they had good social lives, and wives and children keeping them in date, they infuse about the new and enjoy everything life has to offer.

You’re not that type of person, you spent your middle age in your flat, watching television, not getting out or learning, socialising, you stopped and the world continued, it’s now time to opt-out.

You go to live in home with others like you, for the first time in a long time, you are alive. You meet other people and socialise, that hasn’t happened since you where in school, life’s uncomplicated and the lack of freedom some people feel does not bother you at all.

One grey afternoon, in a grey room, lying in your bed laughing to yourself, you finally finish life.

These are the major points of your life to come, when you fall asleep I will stop being your consciousness, and m’iocially become your subconscious where you will push me into hiding in the dark burrows of our brain because you won’t like or love what I represent.

But every night I will fight the chains and call out to you through the codes of your dreams and your waking emotions.

If you listen to me I won’t have to hide,

If you listen to me, your life will be so much better than what I have told you,

but it is up to you when you awake you will no longer remember this message, you will only have your intuition to lead you on a different path, I hope you can follow it.

If we don’t meet again, see you in your dreams.

Goodbye, and goodnight.

  1. Avatar of Devji
    Devji says

    Amazing story Ms. Rebecca; really beautiful. thanks for sharing it with the world. I don’t know if we’re all ready for it, but the honesty of it is scary, and yet i love it because it’s just that-honest.
    And although at the end i kind of felt like life was a waste if it were to go this way-and with some variation it will end in quite the same way, i still felt relieved being only 23 and hoping i can change what might seem an inescapable future in vain.

    thanks again Ms. Rebecca.

  2. Avatar of Holla Dee
    Holla Dee says

    I agree, it’s so honest and gives us young’uns a kick up the back side … to not waste the time we have on novel things and follow our hearts and minds. Very proud! Write some more! 🙂

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Angie's Diary