Free Planet (1)
Maybe even some of us’ll understand that DEATH is better than the life of a Gladiatorial Slave — plus it stops the elitist FREAKS enjoying your suffering. Deny them that and their sick and twisted corporate world comes crumbling down around their ears. At last. Finally.
Where am I going with this? Well, as per my arbitrary-mood-swing mentality, I’m going nowhere with it. And just to prove it, I’m gonna say something that both extremely stupid and extremely profound. Ready?
Creativity is what makes the sun (our nearest star) affect the earth. Yes, isn’t it obvious? We’re in the same gravity well within which our parent star first ignited. We’re made of the same stuff, formed by the same stellar processes. Of course we’re still affected by the movements of our parent, we’re still connected to the solar umbilical chord. We’re more than stardust, we’re sunmind.
Yeah, creativity, sunmind.
I think there’s also a way to communicate our sunmind’ness’ to the mother, like the hunger parasites in a meat-eater’s body, we can influence how that great ball of fire treats us. I think we can avoid a global cataslysm by worshipping the sun like those old idiotic indigenous people used to. Maybe that way humankind might see the odd burning bush or singing lake every now and then.
Maybe that way REAL creativity, passion and kinship can be returned to this barren homeworld.