Excerpt: Reading Picasso


I want to thank Picasso and all the other artists that inspire me with their work. Most of us get a kind of emotional fuel from looking at the work of others. They kind of give us a foundation to build our dreams on.

There is no such thing as writer’s block when we use others ideas to inspire us. Poetically speaking, I think most poets are like honey bees hungrily searching through a grand buffet of literature, film and/or art for that speck of pollen we can turn into honey. Writing poetry, journaling and art making are creative ways to turn the burning inside our heads into positive thinking, researching and recording.

When writing poetry we can’t help but confront our past circumstances to break their hold over us. This form of healing is called Poem Therapy. I am not always aware; at least on a conscious level how much others drive my art. Reality is too restrictive so I like to play connect-the-dots with Picasso. He walks with me and talks with me. I am expanding his ideas into my own. It is said the human mind is like an umbrella. It functions best when open.

When sculpting our heart’s poetry, it is good to approach our art as poetry as if it were a game. We need to play connect-the-dots with words and feelings, paying close attention to the sound and flow of our memories, as well as their arrangement on the page.

It is never too late to be what you were meant to be. Sculpting the Heart’s Poetry To be a poet, you need to know when to listen and when not, as well as begin every day with a moment of silence, during the day listening to the children who are always on, we can learn as much from them as they from us, Poets need to befriend isolated thinkers.

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Angie's Diary