Consuming Christ
Proverbs provides: “The righteous eat to their hearts’ content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.” Proverbs 13:25. Indeed, God’s Word summons us to “crave pure spiritual milk.” 1 Peter 2:2.
Why? Jesus is “the bread of life,” whom we consume for eternal life. John 6:35; 51. Without Christ, all goes hungry, perishing in unrighteousness.

But we must become omnivorous, consuming all of Christ, and not just vegetables—limiting to our own fleshly desires, because the Word alone without Jesus leaves us no life. Romans 14:2.
Jesus, our Living God Himself, to the Pharisees of this world observed, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life…Yet, you refuse to come to me to have life….You do not have the love of God in your hearts.” John 5:39-42.
The import or assumption inferred from Jesus’ words here is that diligent reading of Scripture is vainglorious, “a meaningless chasing after the wind,” if not Spirit-filled, or empowered with insatiable joy for consuming Him. Ecclesiastes 1:14.
A motivation for Jesus–not only fulfilling His will, honoring Him, and serving others–but with highest love, conforming immeasurably more into every attribute of Christ, must accompany diligent scripture reading to receive life!
Why? But for Christ, we starve, perish in our own wickedness. For only the death of sin without Christ lives in us. Proverbs 10:16; Romans 6:23. We only receive righteousness through the spiritual milk of Christ.
Also, spiritual maturity requires us to grow from our infantile understanding of soft milk, into adult “solid food” that distinguishes good from evil. Hebrews 5:12-14. That comes not from mere vain diligent scripture reading, but craving Christ with prayer desirous for Him, prayerful reading to receive His understanding–every attribute of Him. Thus, let us consume all of Christ, savoring every fertile fruit, vegetable, and meat the Holy Spirit provides!
Thank you, always, dearest Angie, for publishing my writings! Michael