Time for Night School


A person in the arts doesn’t really need a degree for it. Unless, you are a doctor, or an engineer, a degree would be needed.  Education, however, is important, but it must be from the right school. 

I learned creative writing in night school. When I got into York University, they had a creative writing program but in order to get into it, one had to have an extensive portfolio, including three letters of recommendation from a board of authors. I applied three times but never did get accepted by such a program.
After dropping out of third year of York University, I went to Ryerson University and simply walked in from the street, enrolled into a general interest course of creative writing. That was it!  No hurdles!  Ryerson has an excellent night school program, UFT does too, but I am very reluctant to endorse York University because I had a bad experience in its full time program.
Whenever I see a young person or someone in their 20’s, I always ask them what course they are in. Why? Because that general interest course in creative writing led to me writing some books.   Quite recently, I spoke to a student who was studying media courses at Ryerson University and he told me a lot of his friends are taking his program, and starting businesses where they make videogames. “Living their passion,” is how he said it.  And Toronto does have a huge community of videogame developers! And this is a multitrillion dollar business too!
So, if you are interested in getting credits for school, or taking general interest courses, or even get that ESL certificate, I would recommend Ryerson’s Continuing Education Program, or the conman program, as I call it—you learn the basics and you run with it!To find out more about it, go here http://ce-online.ryerson.ca/ce/default.aspx?gclid=CO7ts5ill60CFRECQAodRhoOow .
For UFT, go to http://learn.utoronto.ca/ .  So check it out!
Paul Collins, author of Mack Dunstan’s Inferno / Mystery of Everyman’s Way
Contact him on: http://www.facebook.com/#!/authorpaulcollins

1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    York sounds just like all the other so-called establishment universities Paul – elitist. I’m glad you found a uni with common sense. 🙂

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