Browsing Category
Articles on Society-related issues, including politics, culture, and comments on current affairs.
2022: The Year of the Tiger
The Year of the Tiger
According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, Chinese New Year, the Year of the Tiger begins…
Romancing Ourselves
Romancing Ourselves
Physical closeness breeds frustration. There are always arguments between two unique…
The Cig: Teen Substance Abuse?
The Cig
From Mother’s Day to Father’s Day, life in my household has been more dramatic than normal.It is…
Women Voters
Women Voters
The candidates for President have gone after the women voters since JFK ran for office. Perhaps it…
In These Times December 2021
In These Times December 2021
"Advice from a sunflower: Be bright, sunny, and positive. Spread seeds of…
The Mississippi Reformation
Mississippi Reformation
There is a place where all of my thoughts escape—confined to an unplanned and unexpected…
Lizard People Rule the World
Lizard People
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains," Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said.In early…
7 Old Wives’ Tales for a Younger Generation
7 Old Wives' Tales
Opening an Umbrella Indoors
Let's start with the easy one, opening an umbrella indoors. I…
Workplace Violence on the Increase
Workplace Violence
Most workplace violence is committed by men who know what they are doing and why they are…
How to Make an Online Degree Fit Around Your Lifestyle
Online Degree
Have you decided to pursue a degree to further your education and set you up for a successful…
How Debt Can Affect Your Mental Health
Debt Can Affect Your Mental Health
There are many stress reasons, but we don't often think about this one. Debt…
It Is Important To Reject The Perfect Image Of A Mother
The Perfect Image Of A Mother
I enjoy gambling, all kinds. Be it over-the-table blackjack or online slot…
The Color of Money
The Color of Money
Are you Dead-Broke, or Dying to Spend?
The Money Tree
Money, Money, Money. We all want it.…
Hope is a Thing with Splinters
Hope is a Thing with Splinters
Recently I've been trying valiantly to ignore a niggling feeling. I've been…
The Benefits of Advanced Education for Nurses
Advanced Education for Nurses
If you are already a nurse, you will remember how hard you had to study so that…