Men Are Silent About Being Abused


Men Are Silent About Being Abused

National Institute of Justice estimates that 1.5 million women are victims of domestic violence each year. In that same year, 835,000 men are abused by women.

It is said that whereas every 21 seconds somewhere in America a woman is battered – but every 38 seconds somewhere in America a man is battered.

Men Are Silent About Being Abused

Many people think that a man being abused does not go on, however, statistics show that men are abused but many do not report it.

To them, it’s embarrassing that they are being physically or mentally abused by a woman. They feel that most people won’t believe them. They will make excuses for their injuries.

Some of the feelings that they have and why they don’t report it to the police is from shame, they are worried that the female will turn the table on them and say that they were abusing her, and thinking that no one will believe him. Some men don’t do anything about it because their self-worth has been battered as well, and they feel that no one else would ever have them except the woman they are with and they would be alone for the rest of their lives.

Some victims just don’t want to make a change or they have small children that they want to stay and protect.

The news lately has been showing more abuse on men, but it’s still only after the man had been killed by the woman. Then most of the time the women will claim abuse was committed against them, with the man deceased, it’s impossible to question him about the events.

Domestic violence can take many forms. It can be physical, of course. But it can also be purely emotional or economic. Often, there is a combination of controlling behaviors, including:

  • Emotional or psychological abuse. This can be verbal attacks in the form of constant criticism, neglect, public humiliation or an attempt to make the victim think he’s losing his mind. The victim can be stalked or isolated from friends and family.
  • Physical violence. This is a forceful assault that can cause serious injuries and even death. The abuser may kick, bite, scratch, burn or throw objects.
  • Threats are often made to try to keep the victim from leaving the abusive relationship. The abuser may threaten to commit suicide or keep the victim from seeing his children again. Other common threats are to withhold money, food, or shelter.
  • Sexual abuse may include forcing the victim to have sex against his wishes or forcing unsafe sex.


Here are some resources if you’re in Florida. These resources said that they help battered men:

SHELTERS (407 area code)
Coalition for the Homeless: 426-1250
Crossroads Mission: 843-5269
Central Care Mission: 299-6146
Anthony House: 383-5577
Salvation Army 423-8581
Fresh Start Project 422-9781
COUNSELING (407 area code)

Cornerstone Institute: Bruce Stoakley 830-8808
Spouse Abuse Outreach Ctr. 895-6099
Christian Service Center 425-2523

If you are a man and being abused by your partner get help and stop unwanted abuse.  We have to stop the cycle of all abuse.  It takes a whole village of people to stop a problem.

  1. Avatar of Habern Demarco
    Habern Demarco says

    Hi, great article!! I got you bookmarked. Thanks and best wishes

  2. Avatar of Marlon Kounovsky
    Marlon Kounovsky says

    Stumbled into this site by chance but I’m sure glad I clicked on that link. This subject is indeed snowed under, it needs to be put in the spotlight. Thank you so much

  3. Avatar of Ivor Hogg
    Ivor Hogg says

    societal expectations are mainly responsible Men are expected to be bigger and stronger than women and well able to defend themselves. But most men are reluctant to strike a woman. So much for equality

  4. Avatar of Paula Shene
    Paula Shene says

    This is a great article that should have widespread coverage. Too often men are not believed especially if the man is ‘cut off from the herd’ – his family who would notice the differences. Thanks for posting

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