As Beasts at His Breast


As Beasts at His Breast

As Beasts at His Breast

Consider sheep for a moment, if you will.  Pictured in fairy tales as sweet, precious little animals who are cuddly and comforting. Yet, if you’ve ever visited a sheep farm, petting zoo, or a county fair and walked among the sheep you may have made a much different observation.

Sheep are noisy.  They don’t often smell nice.  Sheep tend to be dirty.  And, well, they’re not the smartest animal ever created. How strange that God’s people are referred to as sheep!  Or is it all that strange?

Take a moment to read Isaiah 40:11:  “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

The picture this paints is one of a Loving Shepherd who will lower Himself to pick up a lost sheep – noisy, smelly, and dirty – and hold that beast to his breast, carrying it to safety while leading the others where He intends for them to go.

In and of ourselves we bear all the attributes of sheep. Yet, our Gentle Shepherd still reaches down from His heavenly estate, picks us up when we find ourselves tangled in the affairs of this life, holds us close to his breast, and carries us to safety as He leads all His sheep into green pastures where we will be nourished and strengthened.

What a beautiful picture of the Great Shepherd’s tender care for those struggling along life’s way!  And, for those who aren’t necessarily struggling but simply following Him, He daily leads the way to green pastures beside the still waters where our soul is restored. (ref. Psalm 23)

Dear Lord, guide us as the Gentle Shepherd, take us into Your tender care. Nourish us, rescue us, lead us, and comfort us. Thank You for your undeserved mercy toward us. Oh how I love you, Shepherd of my soul!  Amen!

As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.”  (Ezekiel 34:12)

  1. Avatar of Dawn Garrard
    Dawn Garrard says

    What a great piece. Love to read more.
    Is this a weekly thing? It has the appearance.

  2. Avatar of Victoria Phares
    Victoria Phares says

    Dear Jan, thnx for sharing this post. I found it wonderful. Best regards, Victoria…

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