A Timeless Portrait of Grace


A Timeless Portrait of Grace

A Timeless Portrait of Grace

Have you ever looked closely at a stained glass window? The hand-blown, manually cut, leaded pieces fit together to form beautiful artwork which, when complete, conveys a message from the heart of the Master Artist.

When the sun beams its radiance through the carefully structured artwork, the sight is breathtaking. No two hand-made windows are alike; each tell a story of their own!

Our lives are much like this stained glass artwork. We once were fractured pieces of glass that appeared meaningless, lacking any type of true radiant beauty. As the Lord picked up each piece, one by one, and applied His grace and His mercy as the “lead” which secures the pieces together, a beautiful picture began to form.

Day by day, moment by moment, the Master Artist is fitting the pieces of our lives together. As He shines His glory through us, a most magnificent message is revealed. It’s a timeless portrait of Grace and Mercy; it’s a portrait of a Father’s Love for His child!

If your life seems a bit “abstract” or “fractured” at times, it’s only because another piece of the picture is being put in place and secured by the mercy of God. Remember that whatever you’re going through, God will use every little piece of a life committed to Him to complete the portrait which will radiate His beauty, His glory. The brilliance of His love shines through revealing His master craftsmanship through which His light dispels the darkness.

Father, thank You for picking up the pieces of my life, applying Your mercy and grace, and fitting me back together to where Your glory can be seen through me, Your radiance can shine through me, and Your mercy can flow through me! I can’t say it enough, Lord, You are truly awesome and I love you! Amen!

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV)

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Angie's Diary