The Purpose


I am living my life with the intent of helping others…my family, my friends, worthy organizations, etc.! Equality is so important to our basic human rights; please help in my efforts to achieve that in our lifetime!

Writing has always been my dream and being able to use the rewards of writing to help in achieving equality throughout this world just makes it that much more enjoyable. I look forward to the very near future of expenses involved in achieving my goal of LGBT WORLDWIDE EQUALITY to be covered from book sales, with portions of the excess invested back in the LGBT community to help others achieve their goals…GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS EQUALITY FOR ALL LGBT INDIVIDUALS!

Please be a part of achieving LGBT WORLDWIDE EQUALITY…

Joe Knudson, Author of Living the Difference

“Knudson takes a very modern approach to the old fashioned ‘coming of age’ narrative. Picking up themes from ‘Random Family’ (Adrian Nicole LeBlanc) and ‘Rules for Old Men Waiting’ (Peter Pouncey), he breaks through and takes us through a fascinating journey no gay author has been able to capture to date.” –Ryan Scott Scarola

Tell us a little about your recent book, Living the Difference: an enlightening story revealed for people of all ages straight or gay.

I am gay and live the difference, bringing my experiences to Memoir of Being Gay in America. I am an author on a mission to educate the world’s population about understanding and accepting people who are gay. Living the Difference is an important resource for young gay men living with fear, shame or self-loathing; or for anyone coming to terms with a friend or family member’s coming out. I told my story not to shock, offend or “convert” anyone, but simply to lay out a roadmap for acceptance.

The book lights a candle against the darkness of ignorance. Editorial reviews of my book call Living the Difference “a fascinating journey no gay author has been able to capture to date,” “conquering the final frontier of bigotry and ignorance,” and “filled with love, hate, joy, sorrow and much more.” Most recent review said my book is “remarkably under-sensationalized,” praising my honest storytelling style that leaves the reader to draw his or her own conclusions. Living the Difference lifts the curtain on the so-called “gay lifestyle,” revealing a human portrait that resonates regardless of gender or sexual orientation. It’s a portrait of success, of meaning, and of hope.

Tell us something about yourself.
I was raised in South Dakota and Oklahoma. An entrepreneur and small businessman, I hold a bachelor’s degree in accounting and business administration. I am the parent of two adopted sons with my ex-wife; today, I live with my partner in Oklahoma City. Living the Difference is the first in a planned series. I blog at

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Angie's Diary