The Writing World

How Will The General Public View Your Book?


The Writing World

The Writing World

I know I’ve banged on about this in the past, but entering the world of the written word is not for the faint-hearted.

No matter which path you choose, be it traditional or self-publishing, the hills you climb and the inevitable obstacles you negotiate your way around are the same for either choice.


Looking at it from the viewpoint of someone who self-publishes, there are no gatekeepers, agents, copy editors’ etcetera to lean on, nor any to take what you have written off your hands and hopefully turn it into a winner. How the product of all those long months you spent conceiving that book, and whether or not you use a professional editor as well as utilizing the talents of someone versed in the art of setting the manuscript up for publishing, or do it all yourself, in the end, is entirely up to you.

As for which self-publishing platform to use – talk to other writers. Each platform has its good and bad points. Like most things in life, which one you choose is down to personal choice.

Grammar Nazis

Once you have published a book, you will inevitably come to the attention of a group of people who one writer friend of mine describes as Grammar Nazis. Some are private individuals, others involved in the literary world. These persons will argue black and blue over how, why, and when something as simple as the comma or the semi-colon should be used.

Comments & Critiques

You will also be subjected to all kinds of criticism by people from different walks of life, some constructive, some not so. Are you beginning to see why I said at the top of this piece that writing is not for the faint-hearted yet?

You will also enter the writing world of book advertising, mostly via sites like Facebook, Twitter, AuthorsDen, and Goodreads, to name a few. Try not to spam. Get yourself a blog. That is the best place for you to advertise your work. Ensure your blog is linked to as many other sites as is possible. Mainly use Facebook to talk with your potential readers.

The Writing World

One thing you will find difficult is how the general public will receive your book. From where I stand, I firmly believe it’s all down to the topic. Above all else, don’t stop writing. With each book you turn out, the quality will improve. Believe me when I tell you that the world of writing is very definitely a tough place in which to dip your toe.

Finally, a lot has been said this year about the quality or rather the lack of it, in the vast majority of self-published ebooks. While that may be true, some great stories are appearing of late. Would I be put off if the author of the book I was interested in misplaced a comma, or maybe missed a quotation mark at the beginning or end of dialogue by one of the book’s characters? No, not really.

Spelling & Grammar

What does put me off is bad spelling. These days there is no excuse as most writing software packages have a spellchecker and some form of dictionary and thesaurus, together with a grammar checker.

While on the subject of spelling, being an Englishman, I use the original version –British English, not American English. From time to time, I see complaints that I can’t spell. Without exception, they are all from readers in the US. I apologise for using the original version of the language folks – it’s a force of habit.

Unfortunately, many potential readers still fail to use the ‘See Inside’ option, which most online sites have. Instead of simply clicking the buy button, take a moment, and look at the first few pages. That way, you can check out a sample of the text before you buy or move on. Just because a book has an attractive cover doesn’t necessarily equate to a good story inside.

1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Joyce White
    Joyce White says

    Can always rely on your comments. Writing is a lonely task. Helping each other is the best way to network and to not be lonely. Thanks, Jack. Good write.

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