In Defence Of The Self Published Author
The Self Published Author
While reading the following poem, which has always been a favourite of mine, I couldn’t help but think of the similarity with the current debate and divide over self-published books compared with traditionally published titles.
It has become a bit city and the bush – New York and London against the world one might say. While many are beset on comparing the incorrect use of the ‘Oxford comma’ in self-published titles, I really think they are missing the whole point.
Self publishing is about stories, wonderful and never before published stories from the hearts and minds of passionate people. Rugged yes. But a rugged beauty that like Mr Lawson, many just can’t see for looking.
In Defence Of The Bush by A.B. “Banjo” Paterson
So you’re back from up the country, Mister Lawson, where you went,
And you’re cursing all the business in a bitter discontent;
Well, we grieve to disappoint you, and it makes us sad to hear
That it wasn’t cool and shady — and there wasn’t plenty beer,
And the loony bullock snorted when you first came into view;
Well, you know it’s not so often that he sees a swell like you;
And the roads were hot and dusty, and the plains were burnt and brown,
And no doubt you’re better suited to drinking lemon squash in town.
As a boy from the bush myself, I have to admit to being a little tired of the Manhattan ‘city slicker‘ line that sings to an all too very familiar tune. ‘This writer really needs an editor.’ Sure, but hey, where’s even a little mention about the story? Did you notice that at all while you were spotting the incorrect use of the ‘Oxford comma’?
Just as Patterson and Lawson debated in poetry over one hundred years ago, there is beauty in many things, but only if you want to look for it. If you are always wearing blinkers, you’ll never see it though.
A vast majority of self-published authors share their stories with the world for little financial reward. According to the Taleist Self–Publishing Survey, 50% of self-published authors earned under $500 in 2011 from their books, and 10% of those surveyed authors earned over 75% of the total revenue.
As this survey was conducted using data from just 1,007 authors who volunteered their earnings information, I would venture to conclude that there are many more self-published authors who earn less than $500 per year from book sales.
Many, if not all of these authors would love to be able to afford the services of a professional editor, cover designer, marketing manager, and perhaps even a tea lady. But on earnings of less than $500 per year, the notion is ridiculous unless some New York and London editors have suddenly become philanthropic and are willing to provide their services at an affordable ‘bush’ price.
So while those who criticise misunderstand and apply their expensive city logic to the paltry income of the self publishing bush, they may want to consider what these self published authors have achieved for very little reward.
- In excess of 3,000 titles are available every day for free on the Kindle Store alone. Plenty of choice for those who love to read, or find fault (for free).
- Ebook prices have fallen due to the competition created by self-published titles.
- No one went near erotic romance until self-publishing was bold enough to do so. Traditional publishing has become a follower and is now cashing in on a genre they wouldn’t have touched just a couple of years ago.
- Electronic readers such as Kindle owe their popularity and sales to the huge choice of cheap and free content provided by self published authors and not to the lack of enthusiasm shown by traditional publishers, who initially fought the change to e-reading.
- Self-publishing has made it easy for traditional publishers to find new and marketable authors to add to their stables, and with little risk, as they pick and choose the cream of indie authors.
Yes, it’s easy to criticise and compare the city with the bush, but perhaps it’s time to congratulate self-publishing and its authors who have rekindled the love of reading with their passion for writing and their willingness to accept little financial reward in return. If you can’t see this aspect, then please stay away from reading any self-published books in the future; particularly when they have been obtained for free, and go back to paying a New York or London publisher and reading Jane Austen or Victor Hugo again.
I loved Hugo, Austen not so much, but there is a time and place for all. I am now an Indie Author who edits my own until my eyes bleed, and then ask for editing.
We, who must rely, on our shoestrings, to pay our bills, gladly grab and embrace those who know grammar, but use in creative form is not cut, bleeding on all over those commas that may or may not be needed.
My husband because of dementia no longer is my slash and burn grammarian. I’ve moved onto a more flexible model who makes suggestions that I more than not will use, but sometimes an writer must maintain an inconsistency to be able to convey meaning.
I like fast moving stories at times. Slow, meandering ones too. I usually spot typos or homonym misuse but it detracts only briefly because stories that actually make it to the market generally are interesting. I have been reading for many years and with eidetic memory do not revisit old loves, just look back in memories.