It’s Not Just The Monday Morning Blues


The Monday Morning Blues

There are days when you wish you had not woken up, days when you feel distinctly blah.

The Monday Morning BluesToday is just such a day for me. Don’t ask me why. I feel out of sorts physically and mentally. It could be because the part of England I live in is under thick cloud cover with absolutely no sign whatsoever of the life-giving sun. On the other hand, it could simply be because today is Monday.

When I get up (it was 5.30 today), I follow the same early morning routine. After making myself a plunger full of coffee, I turn on the television to watch the news, a habit guaranteed to depress the most upbeat of individuals. Until my system finally fully functions I am like a zombie. Once the caffeine finally kicks in, I slowly return to my version of normal.

Around eight o’clock I plug my dongle into this laptop to catch up with my emails. Like a fool, I study the latest online news headlines – more depression-making stuff.

Next, I check what’s happening on Facebook and Goodreads. Plus, I see what my friends are saying on their blogs as well as checking my own latest blog post for any possible comments.

I’ve just checked my blog entry for yesterday entitled “A message to all the holiday book readers out there” on why people insist on taking heavy physical books on vacation, instead of taking an e-reading device of their choice – nothing, not a sausage here on my blog.
Thanks a lot, people!

It appears you are all quite happy lugging a suitcase full of books to your holiday destinations and paying extra for your overweight luggage. More fool you! Just checked Goodreads and one person has responded, that’s something at least.

Well that’s enough moaning for now. Any more of it and I may just go back to bed, having decided to simply cancel today. At least I’m alive, and my grocery delivery arrived on time with nothing missing…

  1. Avatar of Mysti Parker
    Mysti Parker says

    I’ve been in the blahs too, but I’ve just enjoyed some baking therapy with my daughter. Hubby knows that when I”ve been baking, I’ve been down about something πŸ™‚

    OH and travel for us involves packing for FIVE people, therefore my Kindle is a Godsend!

  2. Avatar of Judy Markova
    Judy Markova says

    I can certainly relate to “distinctly blah”!
    Cheers, J.M.

  3. Avatar of Gerry McCullough
    Gerry McCullough says

    Jack, can it be that getting up at 5.30 has something to do with your mood? There isn’t any such hour! Well, possibly in the Spring or Summer, when you can catch the sunrise or dance bare-footed in the dew (if that’s what turns you on) – but surely not in the middle of December? Anyway, hope you’re feeling brighter now – these things don’t usually last, thank goodness!
    Very amusing post!

  4. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    Thank you ladies, yes there is such an hour Gerry. As for dancing barefoot in the dew – not at this time of year – brrr. πŸ˜‰

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