Sticks and Stones


Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

It’s a funny thing, but despite the best efforts of a tiny handful of individuals, if a book grabs the public’s attention, it will be bought and read.

It is also a fact that the vast majority are not the least bit interested in praising or condemning. All they want to do is merely read the book they bought.

My most popular book to date – The Seventh Age, is a classic case in point.

While it continues to enjoy excellent sales figures (currently well beyond three and a half thousand), some individuals seem intent on delivering brickbats in the form of their reviews, hoping to dissuade the vast majority from buying and reading it.

It begs the simple question, why?

Could it be that they are envious of Seventh’s apparent popularity? Maybe they are in the employ of other writers who have written similar tales to mine in the hopes of attracting readers towards their client’s own work.

I most certainly do not know the answer, nor do I mainly give a damn.

While I continue to breathe, I will write the stories I personally wish to read in the particular style I choose to use and the form of my native language I am most familiar with – English English. I will also continue to offer them at US$0.99. I’m not here to make money; it doesn’t interest me.

Instead, my reason for being is a simple one. I love creating stories that appeal to the vast majority.

There is an old saying, which those who believe it is their god-given responsibility to trash my work should remember the next time they feel the need to offer their opinions – sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.

For goodness sake, get over yourselves. Jealousy is totally self-destructive and serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

  1. Avatar of Joyce White
    Joyce White says

    Writing is like birthing. We love our work unconditionally. We should pay homage to each other rather than tea down our psychics. Jack, I envoy your talent and your imagination. I wish I had more of an imagination myself. Joyce

    1. Avatar of Jack Eason
      Jack Eason says

      Thank you Joyce. I’ve never understood the current trend to rubbish someones work on some online book outlets. No one minds getting polite criticism. Its a great shame that the kinds of attacks I’ve read, not only mine, but the book pages of other writer’s of my acquaintance is allowed to continue, while properly thought out reviews by writers are not encouraged. 🙂

  2. Avatar of Branka Cubrilo
    Branka Cubrilo says

    Dear Jack, here is a simple example: Women hate Sienna Miller. Why? She is really talented, extremely beautiful, she is outrageously payed for what she is doing, and she is utterly adored by gorgeous men!
    Enough reasons to be hated?
    I grew up in milieu where virtues, talents and knowledge were prized and encouraged and those were different times, electronic era brought with its advances lots of suppressed hatred ALWAYS HIDDEN behind the mask (fake names!)
    All Best! Branka.

    1. Avatar of Jack Eason
      Jack Eason says

      As I said in the article Branka – Jealousy is totally self-destructive and serves no useful purpose whatsoever. Thank you for your comment, I do appreciate it 🙂

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