A New World For Self Publishers


A New World For Self Publishers

Waiting to have your book approved from a publishing house is like waiting in line to find a job. The fact is publishing houses can only distribute so many books a year. Which means a lot of good books will go unpublished.
“Wait”… “That’s yesterdays’ news.”

Somebody figured out those independent self-publishers needed a stronger platform for exposure and that lots of money can be made.

New World For Self PublishersBarnes and Noble, Apple, and Amazon are just some of the few companies that have created a digital text platform like Pubit, iPad, and the Kindle; a new publishing option for independent publishers and self-publishing to distribute their work digitally.

Yea, it’s pretty cool to tell people “I got published by “Simon and Schuster,” and I am heading off to the road to promote my book.” But, what’s even cooler is when you own all of your publishing rights and “Simon and Schuster” come looking for you and want to help with distribution.

To all of you writers out there, ask yourself this question? Do you think the publishing houses are ecstatic about Pubit, Ipad, and Kindle? When your book does a fair amount of sales, you have just become their competitor.

I am predicting that mogul publishing houses will open up a division for
self-publishers to cash on the revenue. And I would not be surprised if “Barnes and Noble” start expanding their stores to make room for a self-publishing department.

I interviewed this one lady on my Facebook, and she is a published author. She believes when Authors self-published they will not be invited into the “who’s who” or the upscale book clubs that are targeted exclusively for published authors. However, this conversation took place before the launch of the Ipad. Not just that, I believe Authors are more interested in successful sales of their book than being a part of some exclusive book club.

The bottom line is…people don’t care where a book is published. They just want a good book to read.

  1. Avatar of Frances Ayers
    Frances Ayers says

    Thanks for writing this article,which I hope will encourage all of those who have faced dozens of rejections,to publish their own work.

  2. Avatar of Judy Markova
    Judy Markova says

    Very interesting article. You convinced me to keep on writing and make the self-publishing step!

  3. Avatar of andrea anderson
    andrea anderson says


    I am glad I was able to inspire you both. Good luck to you both. 🙂

  4. Avatar of Lisa Blair Hathaway Author
    Lisa Blair Hathaway Author says

    I Love your Pro-Self Publishing Article. I’m looking forward to reading more from you. Lisa

  5. Avatar of andrea
    andrea says


    Thank you.

  6. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    Hang in there folks. I was fortunate to find a small press publisher (IFWG Publishing). You just have to keep looking. 🙂

  7. Avatar of Maheshwar N. Sinha
    Maheshwar N. Sinha says

    Thanks for a valuable article!

  8. Avatar of Nick Boving
    Nick Boving says

    Amazon’s E-Book sales are jumping, with something like 60% more sold this year than conventional books, and there are a host of other sites like Sony, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Mobipocket, Smashwords and so on. The struggle through agent to publisher to hard copy is becoming almost more than it’s worth, and with about as much chance of getting there as winning the lottery. There are thousands of really good books that will never see the light of day following that route. But, if you take the E-Book route you are joining an ever-growing stream which is going to force the big publishing houses to take notice. E-Books still need promotion and lots of it, but at least it’s your book, written your way.

  9. Avatar of Deanna Jewel
    Deanna Jewel says

    Hi Andrea! I’m self published after waiting years for one of the big houses to approve my novels as ‘good enough’ to be out there. I also took a chance on a small online publisher who kept our royalties and shut down her website, which is the main reason I am now self published. I do all my own promo and marketing items and distribution. I set my own interviews online with other authors gracious enough to have me on their blogs – thank you all for that! I do my advertising, websites, blogging, two covers so far and others to come!

    I would encourage those authors on the edge of deciding what to do – take that step and publish your own work. DO be sure to edit for errors and have it read by others for another set of eyes before uploading your work! You CAN make a difference – your work will be read. Marketing isn’t easy, but YOU CAN DO IT!

  10. Avatar of andrea anderson
    andrea anderson says


    I am sorry to hear that someone took advantage of you but it sounds like you are off to a great start.

    I wish you all the best of luck in your writing careers.

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