Every Once in a While
Every Once in a While
Every once in a while something happens that raises your spirits. The Seventh Age is my second sci-fi novel for this year.
I began thinking about how I got it noticed by an industry reviewer. Then I remembered a particular well-known writer, I am fortunate to have become acquainted with via a well known social media site.
If anyone would know who best to approach regarding Seventh being reviewed, perhaps he could point me in the right direction.
The weekend previously, 7th and 8th of April, I had offered up my other sci-fi novel for this year – Turning Point – for free download via Amazon purely as a promotional exercise. It was a success in that it moved 300 copies.
But of the two novels, I felt The Seventh Age was the better of the two. And so after a lot of worrying and fretting, wondering if I was going too far, I plucked up the courage to ask the writer in question if he knew who I should approach.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when out of the goodness of his own heart he did the deed himself.
To my way of thinking, he is one of the best authorities writing about the ancient world today. In grateful thanks, I forwarded a copy of Turning Point to him.
You won’t find his review on the US Amazon page – only the UK one. (Click the Read the Review link above).
Who says that good things don’t happen to ordinary people sometimes.
Read the Review
Now the promo is finally over, here are the figures:
USA 868
UK 2257
Germany 23
Total 3148
This is quite an accomplishment.
I’m sure the revenues will follow suit 🙂
Thanks Angie 🙂 xx
Great news Jack, but it helps to have a great book too. I read it and loved it. I am very happy with the success of your promo. Gonna start Turning Point soon and will write a review.
Thank you Rick 🙂