The Chicken or Egg Syndrome


Chicken or Egg?

It seems like a long long time since I posted anything here, but in fairness, I should say that last year was not a good one.

Chicken or Egg

I was busy getting my latest books on Kindle then re-editing them, not such an easy task as you might think. In the middle of all this, my wife’s mother died and that meant no writing whilst in the UK.

I returned thinking to settle down to some serious scribbling, but no.  I had been told by someone I tell a good story but needed to put a bit of flesh on the bones so I started reviewing my books.  I am not that good at padding out its not my natural style, however, I did my best.

To keep myself charged I also kept my wine articles going and towards the end of last year I made my Cava visit, then it was off to the UK for my yearly medical, and oops my blood pressure tabs were not that good.

So I had to stop taking them for a few weeks then visit the doctor again for some new ones. So off we went to Torquay for Christmas with our daughter.  Although we did manage to get out and about it was cold, wet, and generally not nice.

After Christmas back to docs again, new tabs, and then the joy of joy home!  Ummmm not quite as one would think. To start with these tabs made me sleep so much my wife named me Rip Van Wrinkle then promptly made another appointment with a doctor.

So you are now up-to-date with events and why I have not been posting.  It is strange to say that I feel sort of lost just now, not quite sure where to go from here or what to do next. So I have made a resolution – yes three months late – to get my books sorted out and try and get an honest review of my writing.

I write because I love it. My characters take over and the things they get up to are quite something, if Stanley was alive today he would be overworked it would be scandalous.

Because of replies, I have made to various places my first job is to find an agent.  Someone who can see the potential behind the stories, then certain agencies will take a look – no agent don’t bother – but I know it will be very very hard. Ah well, no matter.

Well there you are, an explanation for my not being very active but I am changing all that……

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Angie's Diary